History of CommerceResearch

Version 13


Adding Commerce to TikiPro

Created by: spiderr, Last modification: 15 Dec 2004 (00:46 UTC) by spiderr
We hope to add commerce to TikiPro in the near future, but definite plans have not been set in stone yet. for now, here are some possible webapps:

Open-source, php options:
world class installer. up and running in seconds. mysql only. Many root execed files, and *all* have <html><head>... makes for very difficult theme and placing in a center column. - spiderr 14-DEC-2004

installed very easily. not bad looking. mysql only. under the covers there is a lot of mixed SQL and HTML output. Everything filters through a single index.php file, so output buffer capture is probably quite possible. Some concerning schema design choices like: category_id varchar(32) - spiderr 14-DEC-2004

I wrestled this installer for over and hour and finally gave up There demo looks decent, but nothing fancy. The unbearably complicated installer was ridiculous and I never got it working. - spiderr 14-DEC-2004

I installed this from the version wolffy shoved into tikipro's cvs. This is a "business sales chain management web application for sole traders to medium business, it is based on ossuite with many customisations." so it's not really a general purpose cart, but would be great as another option. Also seems mysql only at the moment - spiderr 14-DEC-2004

(:razz:) Looks like we have a winner! postgres & mysql. decent templating. great installer. very nice package!!! - spiderr 14-DEC-2004

PHP , PostgreSQL , and Smarty - seems to be combo of commerce and karma. could be very cool, however, the download seemed to have no installer? - spiderr 14-DEC-2004

Quick Cart, based on flat files (:eek:) - spiderr 14-DEC-2004

php, mysql seems to have been taken from bits of other apps. install sql failed from the tarball, and I just couldn't get motivated to get it working. - spiderr 14-DEC-2004

not test installed:
http://php-multishop.com/ - fork / collision of PhpNuke and osCommerce. mysql only obviously - spiderr 14-DEC-2004^
http://www.cubecart.com/ mysql only Price: Free / $59.95 to remove copyright
http://www.123tkshop.org/ mysql only
http://www.pcnuke.com/ - fork cpg-nuke fork, has amazon support

Commercial and/or non-PHP options:
http://www.x-cart.com/ $185 - Smarty!, php, mysql only
http://www.jshop.co.uk/ php, mysql only
http://www.squirrelcart.com/ php, mysql only
http://www.pinnaclecart.com/ php, mysql only
http://digishop.sumeffect.com/ php, mysql only
http://www.comdevweb.com/ - implemented a small piece of code that designers can paste where they want on the front-end, which pulls in the MySQL/PHP product catalog

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