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Release 2.6 has a few niggles with windows servers which have been fixed in HEAD

THIS IS WORK IN PROGRESS - Having identified a tar substitute, there is still ome work to make it functional inWindows

Additional software installation notes.

  1. Put the contents of all your decompressor packages into a folder on the webserver, e.g. "c:\webserver\tools\archiving". Make sure e.g. unzip and unrar are in the same folder (different ones work as well but this makes it easier).
  2. If you have unzip.exe and unzip32.exe in the archiving package, delete unzip.exe and rename unzip32.exe to unzip.exe.
  3. Go to "Start-Settings-System Settings-System-Advanced-Environment Variables-System Variables" look for "PATH" and edit it. Add the folder from above "c:\webserver\tools\archiving" (without quotes) after a semicolon ";" to the existing paths. Your "PATH" variable should now look like this (or similar): "c:\programme\imagemagick-6.3.1-q8;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Webserver\tools\archiving".
Release 2.6 has a few niggles with windows servers which have been fixed in HEAD

THIS IS WORK IN PROGRESS - Having identified a tar substitute, there is still some work to make it functional in Windows

Recommended PHP Extensions Installation on Windows

Recommended PEAR Extensions Installation on Windows

PHP is installed from the ZIP file, and the PECL zip is also loaded into PHP5_x_x/ext so all are available.
I'm using /Network/ as my base for all the network services, so C:/Network/PHP5_2_5 has the PHP installation.
Open a command prompt ( Start->Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt )
...>cd \Network\PHP5_2_5
...>pear install Auth
...>pear install Text_Wiki
...>pear install Text_Diff
...>pear install Image_Graphviz
...>pear channel-discover
...>pear install hp/HTMPPurifier
...>pear install HTTP
...>pear install HTTP_Download

There were a couple of 'errors' while running this and I had to add
...>pear channel-update
After running the Auth install.

The main problem will ALL of this is that I do not have network access from any of the secure machines, so it has to be copied - on-line loading is not an option! The installer provides a link to the current local copy of the pear files which is currently Pear File Archive

Recommended Executables installation notes

  • Archive decompressors as command line version available e.g. (add those you want your users to use)

  1. Put the contents of all your decompressor packages into a folder on the webserver, e.g. "c:\webserver\tools\archiving". Make sure e.g. unzip and unrar are in the same folder (different ones work as well but this makes it easier).
  2. If you have unzip.exe and unzip32.exe in the archiving package, delete unzip.exe and rename unzip32.exe to unzip.exe.
  3. Go to "Start-Settings-System Settings-System-Advanced-Environment Variables-System Variables" look for "PATH" and edit it. Add the folder from above "c:\webserver\tools\archiving" (without quotes) after a semicolon ";" to the existing paths. Your "PATH" variable should now look like this (or similar): "c:\programme\imagemagick-6.3.1-q8;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Webserver\tools\archiving".

Page History
13 May 2009 (22:22 UTC)
Lester Caine81.138.11.1362
Current • Source
Lester Caine81.138.11.1361
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