History of ThemeTutorial

This page is supposed to provide some information on how to create a theme for TikiPro.

there are some detailed informations on how the CssSchema is set up and how to use it without getting frustrated, cos "__so many things change__ every time i change only one class".

!!-the theme
-=getting started=-

all themes that are available on your site are located in /themes/styles/
^here you will find one theme called blank. this is a theme which contains all the most important classes and ids listed without any definitions.^

-=to create a new theme follow these steps=-

copy the theme 'blank' (or whichever theme you would like to modify) and rename the folder to your new themename.
within <themename> rename the original css file to <themename>.css
hence we go from

i will assume that you have copied /blank/ as a starting point
(if not, please copy all the contents of /blank/ (appart from blank.css) to your new theme folder to take full advantage of this tutorial

-=taken from /themes/styles/blank/readme.css=-
if you wish to create a theme from scratch here is a list of all css files present in /blank/ to aid you:
* blank.css
** main css file with all globally used classes and more
* customisation.css
** contains a list of classes that can be utilised to further customise the site
* debugwithoutline.css
** contains a set of classes and definitions that allow you to visualise all structures used on your site
* showdiv.css
** if included will visualise all divs used on the site including their classes and ids
** (works well with debugwithoutline.css)
* showstructure.css
** like showdiv.css but it will show you all classes and structures appart from divs
** (works well with showdiv.css and/or debugwithoutline.css
* showsitelayout.css
** visualises the layout of the main tiki ids used by surrounding them with coloured lines
* showpagelayout.css
** draws coloured borders on one side of certain elements
** to allow you to view the classes used without messing with your layout

to include one of these files in your theme for debugging purposes, you can insert a line at the top of your css file
@import url("include.css");

do this for as many css files as you wish but note:
*@import only works when it's __before any class definitions__
*showstructure.css | showdiv.css don't work with MSIE
**use opera or mozilla to utilise these files
**debugwithoutline.css only works with opera

i have tested the above with the following browsers:
*MSIE 6.02 (nothing works regarding structures)
*Mozilla Firefox 0.8 (everything works appart from debugwithoutline.css)
*Opera 7.5 (everything works)

now we are ready to start with the css files.
!!-the css
if you are coming from TikiWiki, you will notice that the css is much smaller compared to that of TikiWiki and there are very much fewer classes used.

This, however has absolutely nothing to do with the flexibility and power of the css file over the design of TikiPro. in fact, it's much easier and quicker to create a site that has an overall feel throughout. moreover, it's easy to customise particular sections exactly the way you need them if you so desire.

a certain level of css knowlegde however is required to do this.

^if you feel that you 'know' css you can use the 'blank' theme as a starting point for your new theme. please consult the readme in the 'blank' folder for further information.

__please note__:
there is a file called __base.css__ which is called regardless of theme selected. this css contains some definitions which make theming easier and keeps the site operational should there be a problem with the selected theme.
if this should interefere with your work, please, either
*delete the file (__not recommended__)
*copy __header.tpl__ (found in /kernel/templates/) to your theme directory and __remove the line__ saying: __@import url({$gTikiLoc.THEMES_PKG_URL}base.css);__ ^

however, if you believe that there is something to be learnt from this brief tutorial, carry on reading... first of all it's important that you have a look at CssSchema, which has a basic layout of the site in terms of classes used on all output pages.

-=a simple example=-

1. <div class="box">text</div>
2. <div class="module box">text</div>
3. <div class="admin box">text</div>

if you define the following:
.box { font-weight: bold; }

it will result in the following:
1. __text__
2. __text__
3. __text__

the text in all three cases will be bold, however, if you define it like this:
.box { font-weight: bold; }
.module { color: red; }
.admin { color: blue; }

it will result in the following:
1. __text__
2. ~~#FF0000:__text__~~
3. ~~#0000FF:__text__~~

this allows you to create a general style, look, feel using very few classes such as .box above (all the above are bold) but then go on and customise and finetune particular sections or groups of items simply.

-=slightly more interesting=-

furthermore, it's easy to modify classes that are defined within other classes using the correct selectors.

consider the following 2 pages:


<div class="wiki">
<h1 class="title">pile of foo</h1>
<div class="content">this is more foo</div>


<div class="articles">
<h1 class="title">pile of foo</h1>
<div class="content">this is more foo</div>


the above only differ in the first line - either __wiki__ or __articles__. as above it's easy to aply general definitions to title, and content. however it's also possible to influence, say, the __content__ section of __articles__ without changing settings in the __wiki__ by defining the following:

.articles .content { background: silver; }

-=the nitty gritty=-

consider the following page


<div class="box">zero plus two equals one</div>

<div class="foo">
<div class="box">i can sing</div>
<div class="foo box">some chickens have lips</div>


if you wish to apply a definition to all boxes you use
.box { text-decoration: underline; }

===zero plus two equals one===
===i can sing===
===some chickens have lips===

if you wish to apply settings only to the boxes within the foo section
.box { text-decoration: underline; }
.foo .box { font-weight: bold; }

===zero plus two equals one===
__===i can sing===__
__===some chickens have lips===__

if you wish to apply settings only to the box that has foo associated with it
.box { text-decoration: underline; }
.foo .box { font-weight: bold; }
.foo.box { color: red; }

the result of all three definitions would be
===zero plus two equals one===
__===i can sing===__
~~#FF0000:__===some chickens have lips===__~~

^please note the lack of a space in the third case as compared to the second case.
'~~#FF0000:.foo .box~~' vs '~~#FF0000:.foo.box~~'^

^__note for MSIE__: MSIE only renders .foo.box {...} if this is the actual order in which they are mentioned. i.e. .foo.box {...}
only renders if the class is called:
class="~~#FF0000:foo box~~"
and not:
class="~~#FF0000:box foo~~"^

obviously you can apply a setting to only the top box by setting definitions something like this
.box { color: blue; }
.foo .box { color: black }

~~#0000FF:zero plus two equals one~~
i can sing
some chickens have lips

as you can see, you have an immense amount of power if you wish to use these features.

!!-the icons
in TikiPro it is possible to use your own set of icons to give the site the ultimate in customisation and theming flexibility.

more to come...

!!-the templates
more to come...

Page History
30 Oct 2008 (17:12 UTC)
removed HTML before it's stripped out again, removed outdated CSS help, re-structured the whole page, less words
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