[TREASURY] Arranging by date
[TREASURY] Arranging by date
Posted:15 Dec 2009 (20:11 UTC)Here is the current code for the treasury's module, mod_uploads.tpl
What do I add and change to make it arrange chronologically?
What do I add and change to make it arrange chronologically?
1: {foreach from=$modItems item=modItem}
2: <li class="{cycle values='odd,even'} item">
3: <a href="{$modItem->mInfo.display_url}">
4: {if $maxlen gt 0}
5: {$modItem->mInfo.title|escape|truncate:$maxlen:"...":true}
6: {else}
7: {$modItem->mInfo.title|escape}
8: {/if}
9: </a>
10: {if $module_params.description}
11: {if $maxlendesc gt 0}
12: {$modItem->mInfo.data|escape|truncate:$maxlendesc:"...":true}
13: {else}
14: {$modItem->mInfo.data|escape}
15: {/if}
16: {/if}
17: </li>
18: {/foreach}
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