Assign Image to Blog

eliav eini
Joined: 09 Jan 2006

Assign Image to Blog

Posted:24 Sep 2010 (20:43 UTC)
I have 3 blogs on my site for different types of posting/subjects. I would like to assign an "Icon" or image to each Blog, similar to the Topic image for the Articles package, that would show up every time I post to that blog.

I can only find a way to do this for Blog Posts using the Primary Attachment. Is there a way to do this for Blogs in general (not by post)? Not sure if this can be done with Blogs or Categories or something.

Perhaps there is a simple answer to this but having no luck finding it!

eliav eini
Joined: 09 Jan 2006

Re: Assign Image to Blog

Posted:01 Feb 2011 (20:31 UTC)
The main site displays an image assigned to the various Article Topics. In the Articles package under Article Topics there is an "Upload image" box that generates a pop-up of my local drive. However I have had no luck attaching an image in this way and am not sure how to use the feature.

Likewise I am not able to assign an image to a Blog.

I have very limited experience with web development but am trying to learn using bitweaver. I have not yet solved this issue but am hoping someone may be able to help me out.

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