Boards are here!
Boards are here!
Posted:03 Apr 2007 (17:54 UTC)At long last, we have moved away from phpBB, which ironically is how bitweaver started.
The BoardsPackage package is based on the Liberty content engine and its comment system. There is a migrator in admin for moving phpBB forums to the new Boards.
Things might be a little rough as we transition, so please be patient and post any issues you come across.
- spiderr
The BoardsPackage package is based on the Liberty content engine and its comment system. There is a migrator in admin for moving phpBB forums to the new Boards.
Things might be a little rough as we transition, so please be patient and post any issues you come across.
- spiderr
Re: Boards are here!
Posted:04 Apr 2007 (07:35 UTC)While I am very happy the boards development goes on, I miss following:
Otherwise, I like the option of threading. (:mrgreen:)
- View posts since last visit, View your posts, View unanswered posts and Mark all forums read links which I have really used in phpBB
- boads index table with clearly distinguished columns for Topics, Posts and Last Post - now sometimes the "Last Post: ..." string overlaps the description which I do not find very nice
- the Recent posts side module - dont really know how to comment on that... with every entry on three lines it is so hard to read... maybe only post tiltes were better
- the rating of every post is quite discutable, I know this is exactly what Stars do, but I guess it is better to rate whole threads...
- some CSS for better readability of titles etc. could be done here on bw.o too
Otherwise, I like the option of threading. (:mrgreen:)
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