Comparisons, Benchmarks with Joomla and other PHP based systems
Comparisons, Benchmarks with Joomla and other PHP based systems
Posted:31 Oct 2007 (22:16 UTC)Greetings to all bitweaver Users!
I am trying to get comparisons and benchmarks across common functions between bitweaver and all other PHP based CMS/Portal systems out there, especially the ones like Joomla that have several levels higher hoopla.
Here are some places I need data from everyone in order to get this going:
1) architectural differences,
2) speed,
3) ability to scale,
4) choice of database (Joomla only support mysql, bitweqver cdoes well with postgresql),
5) the issue of commercialization (lots of add-ons in Joomla are proprietary with lots of DRM stuff in the php code),
6) security issues, authentication, exploits, etc.
7) Anything else you think important to compare, everything from real quantitative data to anecdotal descriptions based on use of bitweaver and any other system.
As you know doubt realize, Java based CMS is also starting to gain market share. Any comparisons between Bitweaver and Java based CMS? In the 2 books on Joomla, the auther looks at several weaknesses to Joomla, how does our bitweaver compare on these? You all give me data, and comments, and I will make a great white paper out of them. This could mean increased marketshare for bitweaver!! Send all material direct to me at with copies in the wiki. Thanks!
I am trying to get comparisons and benchmarks across common functions between bitweaver and all other PHP based CMS/Portal systems out there, especially the ones like Joomla that have several levels higher hoopla.
Here are some places I need data from everyone in order to get this going:
1) architectural differences,
2) speed,
3) ability to scale,
4) choice of database (Joomla only support mysql, bitweqver cdoes well with postgresql),
5) the issue of commercialization (lots of add-ons in Joomla are proprietary with lots of DRM stuff in the php code),
6) security issues, authentication, exploits, etc.
7) Anything else you think important to compare, everything from real quantitative data to anecdotal descriptions based on use of bitweaver and any other system.
As you know doubt realize, Java based CMS is also starting to gain market share. Any comparisons between Bitweaver and Java based CMS? In the 2 books on Joomla, the auther looks at several weaknesses to Joomla, how does our bitweaver compare on these? You all give me data, and comments, and I will make a great white paper out of them. This could mean increased marketshare for bitweaver!! Send all material direct to me at with copies in the wiki. Thanks!
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