Learning Partner
Learning Partner
Posted:21 Jan 2008 (06:40 UTC)I'm interested in teaming up with others who are also new to bitweaver so we can all learn the software together from conversations and helping each other with challenges. If you are in this category and interested in chatting, please email me, Howard Sambol at bc100@mac.com. Thanks!
Re: Learning Partner
Posted:21 Jan 2008 (19:25 UTC)There is a note about possible future email list for "beginners" called bitweaver-users on MailingLists. However, it may be better to create a new beginners forum overhere so the discussion can be nicely accessible. Tell me if you wish to do so.
Re: Learning Partner
Posted:22 Jan 2008 (19:17 UTC)Dear Kozuch:
Yes, absolutely! I would love for you to create a Bitweaver beginner's forum here. That would be marvelous. I have had a very challenging time just finding people to chat with about Bitweaver. I don't know why this community is so insulated. It seems to me that the most important aspect of the Bitweaver project is to get the software more widely used which will increase availability and also increase the professional projects for developers and designers.
Is there any simple, non technical pdf file for beginners on the steps for setting up your Bitweaver website? If there were others interested in creating this document, I would gladly participate and contribute.
Another area that is desperately needed here, is a list of experienced or knowledgeable Bitweaver users and consultants who are willing to interact with serious professionals starting Bitweaver projects. So far my experience is that no one wants to speak to me regardless. They don't even know what I'm doing and what I need. This is crazy.
If there was a list of experienced users with phone numbers and email addresses, each person could establish and publish a fee structure for their time and whether they are willing to give 10-15 minutes to someone to help a new project get underway. If a skilled person were willng to step forward and offer this to me, I'd be happy to pay them as a consultant afterward.
Perhaps you would be willing to speak to me. I'm an experienced and knowlegeable computer user, very comfortable with technology and I'm great at following instructions and completing tasks. I'm not a programmer but I learn fast.
My current website is http://www.breakthroughcoaching.cc. My goal is to migrate my site to Bitweaver and create a substantial "learning community". If members of the Bitweaver community would be willing to help me get this off the ground, it would become a great Bitweaver success story. I would then help other trainers, coaches and consultants create similar sites.
You can reach me at 415-462-6692 or breakthroughcoaching@mac.com. I very much appreciate your help.
Howard Sambol
CEO, Breakthrough Coaching, LLC
Yes, absolutely! I would love for you to create a Bitweaver beginner's forum here. That would be marvelous. I have had a very challenging time just finding people to chat with about Bitweaver. I don't know why this community is so insulated. It seems to me that the most important aspect of the Bitweaver project is to get the software more widely used which will increase availability and also increase the professional projects for developers and designers.
Is there any simple, non technical pdf file for beginners on the steps for setting up your Bitweaver website? If there were others interested in creating this document, I would gladly participate and contribute.
Another area that is desperately needed here, is a list of experienced or knowledgeable Bitweaver users and consultants who are willing to interact with serious professionals starting Bitweaver projects. So far my experience is that no one wants to speak to me regardless. They don't even know what I'm doing and what I need. This is crazy.
If there was a list of experienced users with phone numbers and email addresses, each person could establish and publish a fee structure for their time and whether they are willing to give 10-15 minutes to someone to help a new project get underway. If a skilled person were willng to step forward and offer this to me, I'd be happy to pay them as a consultant afterward.
Perhaps you would be willing to speak to me. I'm an experienced and knowlegeable computer user, very comfortable with technology and I'm great at following instructions and completing tasks. I'm not a programmer but I learn fast.
My current website is http://www.breakthroughcoaching.cc. My goal is to migrate my site to Bitweaver and create a substantial "learning community". If members of the Bitweaver community would be willing to help me get this off the ground, it would become a great Bitweaver success story. I would then help other trainers, coaches and consultants create similar sites.
You can reach me at 415-462-6692 or breakthroughcoaching@mac.com. I very much appreciate your help.
Howard Sambol
CEO, Breakthrough Coaching, LLC
Re: Learning Partner
Posted:22 Jan 2008 (20:37 UTC)Dear Howard,
beginners forum is created here. Since bitweaver project is all completely voluntary, the devs do not feel the need of "offering" themselfes for work. However, there is a bounty page that you can use.
Feel free to contribute to the wiki or overall to some site part. If you want some faster supprot or interactive talk, visit bitweaver IRC channel.
I agree with your opinion on some paid support options. However, creating that here requires discussion with the rest of the bitweaver community I think.
beginners forum is created here. Since bitweaver project is all completely voluntary, the devs do not feel the need of "offering" themselfes for work. However, there is a bounty page that you can use.
Feel free to contribute to the wiki or overall to some site part. If you want some faster supprot or interactive talk, visit bitweaver IRC channel.
I agree with your opinion on some paid support options. However, creating that here requires discussion with the rest of the bitweaver community I think.
No Obligation, Only Win-Win Opportunities
Posted:23 Jan 2008 (02:16 UTC)I believe in Win-Win relationships. Bitweaver is for people and for companies, right? The value of all the programming in the final analysis depends on its application and usefulness, right? If it sits unused or if people pass it buy because it is too technical or there is no documentation or support, then all the thousands of hours of skillful programming is for nought.
I'm not expecting handouts or freebies, just some basic assistance in getting my site started with the understanding that we can create a mutually profitable association.
Where is the best place to propose this idea as well as create a space for paid support options. The bounty page is unclear. Is it for posting a proposal?
I'm not expecting handouts or freebies, just some basic assistance in getting my site started with the understanding that we can create a mutually profitable association.
Where is the best place to propose this idea as well as create a space for paid support options. The bounty page is unclear. Is it for posting a proposal?
Re: Learning Partner
Posted:23 Jan 2008 (09:27 UTC)I do absolutely agree with Howard... There is a bitter need for some kind of support. Just look at the many unanswered threads in the support forum.
No support->no users->no community.
I´m spending hours trying to solve problems... permissions screwing up, suddenly loosing admin rights...and there are a lot more issues. I´d really like to use bitweaver, even pay for support or contribute to bitweaver. But, at the moment, ... bitweaver s****. Sorry.
Any help ? Please ?
No support->no users->no community.
I´m spending hours trying to solve problems... permissions screwing up, suddenly loosing admin rights...and there are a lot more issues. I´d really like to use bitweaver, even pay for support or contribute to bitweaver. But, at the moment, ... bitweaver s****. Sorry.
Any help ? Please ?
Re: Learning Partner
Posted:25 Jan 2008 (02:03 UTC)You know, I couldn't agree more. BitWeaver is a fine product, but its support is sorely lacking. Compare it to the user forums for systems like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or even (gasp) Xoops and Bitweaver's support is sorely lacking.
Now, I know the default response to this sort of thing is to say "Well if you don't like the support, offer it yourself or find another program." The former doesn't help new users, and the latter doesn't help Bitweaver. Bitweaver isn't exactly brand new anymore, but it is quite far behind other applications in community. And I have no idea why, since Bitweaver is truly a good application (with a few rough spots).
People (myself included) have visited the site, noted the severe lack of activity, and thought "Hmmm - I wonder how much longer THIs project will be around? Do I really want to run the risk of having to export a 12-month-old wiki to another application if the project dies? How frequently are security updates issued? How frequently are bug updates performed? If I have a problem, will I get help?"
I'm taking a risk on Bitweaver. I've installed it. When it works, I like it. But if the community doesn't develop — a task that the Bitweaver developers have the responsibility of kickstarting on their own — a lot of us will wind up on Doku, TW, Media, Deki, or perhaps some new project about to unroll. And as Howard said, no matter how good Bitweaver is or can become, it's worthless if nobody uses it.
Just my $.02.
Now, I know the default response to this sort of thing is to say "Well if you don't like the support, offer it yourself or find another program." The former doesn't help new users, and the latter doesn't help Bitweaver. Bitweaver isn't exactly brand new anymore, but it is quite far behind other applications in community. And I have no idea why, since Bitweaver is truly a good application (with a few rough spots).
People (myself included) have visited the site, noted the severe lack of activity, and thought "Hmmm - I wonder how much longer THIs project will be around? Do I really want to run the risk of having to export a 12-month-old wiki to another application if the project dies? How frequently are security updates issued? How frequently are bug updates performed? If I have a problem, will I get help?"
I'm taking a risk on Bitweaver. I've installed it. When it works, I like it. But if the community doesn't develop — a task that the Bitweaver developers have the responsibility of kickstarting on their own — a lot of us will wind up on Doku, TW, Media, Deki, or perhaps some new project about to unroll. And as Howard said, no matter how good Bitweaver is or can become, it's worthless if nobody uses it.
Just my $.02.
Aw: Learning Partner
Posted:30 Jan 2008 (12:53 UTC)I like the idea of having a beginners forum and i would love to contribute to it and help out where i can.
I'm not new to bw, but i'm not a dev. You could place me into the box "experienced user", if you want to.
The wiki would be a great place for all this, but a forum would be a good start to collect some problems and of course the solutions of them. And maybe then getting all that info into the wiki to become some kind of docs.
Maybe later it would also be a good idea to start something like a wikibook for bw, which would develop into some kind of user guide, maybe even an admin guide.
Some time ago, i wanted to make some vids for bw, howtos and so on. I had some other probs and this idea had to wait up to now.
I know that support for bw is lacking, but i want that to change. Of course i can't do that alone, so i hope that some of you will help out with this.
I'm gonna release a gentoo linux vm this weekend, which has everything you should have to get started with bw.
Including a database (choose between mysql or postgresql or test them both, so you can get to know at least the difference), apache, php5, eacc, some pear stuff and a fresh R2 unzipped waiting for you to mess with it, along with some instructions on how to get started with the vm, db etc.
The install procedure of bw will also be explained, although its pretty easy already.
Kind regards,
I'm not new to bw, but i'm not a dev. You could place me into the box "experienced user", if you want to.
The wiki would be a great place for all this, but a forum would be a good start to collect some problems and of course the solutions of them. And maybe then getting all that info into the wiki to become some kind of docs.
Maybe later it would also be a good idea to start something like a wikibook for bw, which would develop into some kind of user guide, maybe even an admin guide.
Some time ago, i wanted to make some vids for bw, howtos and so on. I had some other probs and this idea had to wait up to now.
I know that support for bw is lacking, but i want that to change. Of course i can't do that alone, so i hope that some of you will help out with this.
I'm gonna release a gentoo linux vm this weekend, which has everything you should have to get started with bw.
Including a database (choose between mysql or postgresql or test them both, so you can get to know at least the difference), apache, php5, eacc, some pear stuff and a fresh R2 unzipped waiting for you to mess with it, along with some instructions on how to get started with the vm, db etc.
The install procedure of bw will also be explained, although its pretty easy already.
Kind regards,
Re: Learning Partner
Posted:30 Jan 2008 (16:15 UTC)There are already wikibooks on documentation. Howerver, I would clearly split it into user/administrator/developer pages. Today, there is everythink on one topic page and that can discourage beginning users when they see coding stuff they do not understand.
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