Forums package
I am currently working on a fork of BoardsPackage.
The point of this fork would be to:
- Look good and be userfriendly just like high quality forum software. almost done
- Be simple, fast and useful. No pigs or mailinglist bloat. On the way
- Become a real replacement for phpbb, vbulletin or smf. On the way. See import package too
- Have a much better admin interface and tools. Working on it.
Listing posts (reading thread)
- No threaded view.
- Always display avatars (Default avatar if user is guest or has no avatar, should be Users Package)
- FIX the signature. (signature should be part of Users Package)
- Have buttons for admins and non admins you'd find on smf/phpbb at the end of the listing.
- Posts should always be the oldest first, the latest last
- No option to change listing mode
Listing threads
- SHould be the newest thread first, the oldest last (depending on the last post, not the first)
- Display sub-boards first
- no option to change listing mode
Listing forums
- Forums belong to categories, and have a display order. No option to change listing mode
Import package
note: Due to premature hdd death, there is currently NOTHING left of the import package.
I am currently working on a brand new package that would allow Bitweaver admins to import data directly from the db of other software.
- It uses Adodb to connect the foreign databases
- It is a proper bw package, not a cheap script
- It imports forum data the clean way
- It imports users the clean way (but passwords need to be reset though)
- It should be modular to allow import of users, forums, wikis from the mainstream software without much extra work.