Now lets refer to the next error ''Activity: start is interactive but has no role assigned''. As the __start__ is marked as an __Interactive__ activity, we need to assign a role to the activity. In the __Add role__, enter ''testuser'' and press __add role__. You can see the screen update and ''testuser'' appears in the list of assigned roles. If you wish to remove an assigned role, click on the __x__ next to the name.
-Look at the __This process is invalid:__ section and you will notice a new error has appeared - ''Role: testuser is not mapped''. We will get to this later.
+At this point, I will introduce you to the rest of the shortcut toolbar at the top of the page. |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/red_dot.gif} __invalid__ - This indicates that the process currently contains errors and cannot be activated or started. |
+ |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/Activity.gif} __activities__ - This is a shortcut back to the __Admin process activities__ page. |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/change.gif} __edit__ - This is a shortcut back to the __Admin processes__ page. |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/book.gif} __code__ - This is a shortcut back to the __Admin process sources__ page. |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/myinfo.gif} __roles__ - This is a shortcut back to the __Admin process roles__ page. |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/graph.gif} __graph__ - This creates a flow chart of the process in graphical form. |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/export.gif} __export__ - This allows you to save a process to an XML file for later uploading. |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/Process.gif} __monitor processes__ - Shortcut to __Monitor processes__ |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/Activity.gif} __monitor activities__ - Shortcut to __Monitor activities__ |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/Instance.gif} __monitor instances__ - Shortcut to __Monitor instances__ |
+* {img src=/galaxia/icons/memo.gif} __monitor workitems__ - Shortcut to __Monitor workitems__ |
+ |
+Click on {img src=/galaxia/icons/myinfo.gif} __roles__ to map a user. |
+ |
+!Admin Roles |
+-=Admin process roles=- |
+Look at the __This process is invalid:__ section and you will notice a new error has appeared - ''Role: testuser is not mapped''. |
+ |
+If you look at the __Process roles__ section of the page, you will see our ''testuser'' role that we created previously. |
+ |
+Below that, you will see the __Map groups to roles__ section. In our example we will map a group we belong to our role. If you are logged in as ''Admin'', your group will be ''Admins'' or ''Administrators'' - otherwise, it is likely to be ''Registered''. In the left __Groups__ list, select your group and in the right __Roles__ list, select the ''testuser'' role. Click __map__ to save changes. |
+ |
+-=List of mappings=- |
+You can now see an entry in the __List of mappings__. Shown here is the association between the group we just selected and our role. Notice there is only one error left. |
!Admin Code
-Now we are ready to code some functionality. Look at the ''Process Activities'' list and next to the checkboxes you will see links to __code__ and __template__. Notice that __code__ appears on both activities, while __template__ only appears on those activities that are __Interactive__. Click on the __code__ link on the __start__ activity row.
+Look at the __This process is invalid:__ section and you will notice one error left - ''Activity start is interactive so it must use the $instance->complete() method''. |
+ |
+Now we are ready to code some functionality. Click on {img src=/galaxia/icons/book.gif} __code__ in the toolbar to begin coding. |
-=Admin process sources=-
You will see a edit window with the start of a PHP script.
- <?php
- ?>
+{CODE()}<?php |
+ ?>{CODE} |
+''<?php'' and ''?>'' signify the start and end of a PHP script respectively. If you've never programmed in PHP before, don't panic - its quite simple. Take a look at the tutorials mentioned at the start of this document. |
-If you've never programmed in PHP before, don't panic - its quite simple. Take a look at the tutorials mentioned at the start of this document.
+Look at the __Select source__ dropdown list - this is used to quickly jump to different activity code and templates. Currently, this should be set to ''Shared source'' which is a holding place for activity related common or library code. |
+ |
+Next you see the words __Non Interactive__ - this indicates that the activity requires no user intervention and therefore does not display anything. If an activity is interactive, this will change to a __template__ or __code__ button to allow you to quickly swap between the two. |
+ |
+Lastly are the __save__ and __cancel__ buttons. |
+ |
+In ''Process activities'' you will see links to __code__ and __template__ for every activity. You can click on these links to jump straight to the relative code or template for modification. |
+ |
+From the __Select source__ dropdown, choose __start__. |
First thing we want to do is set some text to be displayed on the screen. Enter this in the edit window.
- <?php
- $smarty->assign('display_text', 'Hello world!');
- ?>
+{CODE()}<?php |
+ $gBitSmarty->assign('display_text', 'Hello world!'); |
+ |
+ if(isset($_REQUEST['save'])){ |
+ $instance->complete(); |
+ } |
+?>{CODE} |
+You will notice that along the right side of the edit form are a number of links. These are coding shortcuts that allow you to quickly insert commonly used code. |
+ |
+Let me explain these lines. |
+The first line ''$gBitSmarty->assign('display_text', 'Hello world!');'' is used to assign text to a ''variable'' which is used in __template__. Here we are assigning the variable ''display_text'' with the words '''Hello world!'''. You will see this used when we edit the template section. |
+ |
+The second line is an ''if'' statement checking if the __save__ button was pressed. If the button was pressed, the ''$instance->complete();'' function is executed telling the workflow, that we have finished the activity and are ready to move to the next actitivity - in our case ''end''. |
+ |
+Press __save__ when finished editing. Press __template__ to edit the display template. |
+ |
+You will see a edit window with the start of a Smarty template. |
+{CODE()}{*Smarty template*}{CODE} |
+ |
+Both ''{*'' and ''*}'' are used for comments in Smarty, so this first line is effectively ignored. |
+ |
+You will remember that in the previous PHP code, we ''assigned'' the variable ''display_text'' with some text. To display this variable, enter the following in the edit window. |
+{CODE()}{*Smarty template*} |
+<form method="post"> |
+ Ready to display text: <b>{$display_text}</b><br> |
+ <input type=submit name="save" value="Ok"> |
+</form>{CODE} |
+Anything surrounded by curly braces ''{'' and ''}'' are checked by Smarty and modified accordinly. Smarty provides many different functions using this method. Check the Smarty tutorial at the start of this document for more information. Agin you will notice that along the right side of the edit form are a number of links. These are Smarty shortcuts that allow you to quickly insert commonly used code. |
+ |
Press __save__ when finished editing.
-You will notice that along the right side of the edit form are a number of links. These are coding shortcuts that allow you to quickly enter commonly used code.
+Look at the toolbar, and you will see two new icons - a {img src=/galaxia/icons/green_dot.gif} green __valid__ dot and an {img src=/galaxia/icons/refresh2.gif} __activate__ icon. These indicate that all errors have been resolved and by clicking on the __activate__ icon, you will activate the process. Click the {img src=/galaxia/icons/refresh2.gif} __activate__ icon. |
+!Starting an Instance |
+Click on __Admin Processes__ and you will see the two columns ''Active'' and ''Valid'' have now changed. These indicated that the workflow appears to be complete and is ready for execution. |
+-=User Processes=- |
+The __User Processes__ menu item shows all available processes, their number of activities and the number of current instances. |
+The user can use this screen to see all their available processes. As you can see currently we have one activity and no (zero) instances. |
+-=User Activities=- |
+The __User Activities__ menu item show all available activities. In our example, we have one item, the __start__ activity. |
+The {img src=/galaxia/icons/next.gif} arrow icon indicated that this activity can be started or ''instantiated''. |
+Click on the {img src=/galaxia/icons/next.gif} arrow to start our example process. |
+!Hello World! |
+When you start our example process, the screen changes to show the form we designed earlier. |
+^Ready to display text: __Hello world!__ |
+||Ok||^ |
+As you can see - our text that we set in our code has displayed in our form. |
+-=Saving your Process=- |
+If you'd like to save your process to an XML file for later restoration, this is how to do it. |
-At this point, I will introduce you to the rest of the shortcut toolbar at the top of the page.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/red_dot.gif} __invalid__ - This indicates that the process currently contains errors and cannot be activated or started.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/Activity.gif} __activities__ - This is a shortcut back to the __Admin process activities__ page.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/change.gif} __edit__ - This is a shortcut back to the __Admin processes__ page.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/book.gif} __code__ - This is a shortcut back to the __Admin process sources__ page.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/myinfo.gif} __roles__ - This is a shortcut back to the __Admin process roles__ page.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/graph.gif} __graph__ - This creates a flow chart of the process in graphical form.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/export.gif} __export__ - This allows you to save a process to an XML file for later uploading.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/Process.gif} __monitor processes__ - Shortcut to __Monitor processes__
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/Activity.gif} __monitor activities__ - Shortcut to __Monitor activities__
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/Instance.gif} __monitor instances__ - Shortcut to __Monitor instances__
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/memo.gif} __monitor workitems__ - Shortcut to __Monitor workitems__
+Go to the __Admin Processes__ page and click the {img src=/galaxia/icons/export.gif} __export__ icon. Depending on your browser, you will either be prompted to save the file somewhere or it will be displayed in the browser window. If it display, select __File__ / __Save As__ to save it to a file. |
+ |
+!Hello World Process 1.1 - New Version |
+Click here to download the XML file of the process. |
+{attachment id=149} |
-Click on __roles__ to map a user.
-!Admin Roles
--=Admin process roles=-
-Check the __This process is invalid:__ section and the first error message should be ''Role: testuser is not mapped''.
+So we are going to create a more complex version of workflow. In the __Admin Processes__ page, you can select ''new major'' or ''new minor'', to create a duplicate process. This allows you to begin testing a new version of process and eventually, replace the old version with the new one. |
+ |
+Click __new minor__ |
+ |
+You can see a duplicate Hello World Process, with a version number of __1.1__ in your list. |
-If you look at the __Process roles__ section of the page, you will see our ''testuser'' role that we created previously.
+!New Activity |
+We will create a new activity to display our hello world information. |
+Click on the ''Activities'' icon and create a new activity called ''display''. |
+In __Add transitions from:__ list, select ''start'' and in the __Add transitions to:__ list, select ''end''. This places the activity between the two previous activities. |
+Check ''auto routed:'' and select ''testuser'' role for this activity. |
+ |
+ |
+As you can see a new error came up ^This process is invalid: |
+Activity display is interactive so it must use the $instance->complete() method^ |
+ |
+Another point to note is the graph of the process - click the {img src=/galaxia/icons/graph.gif} __graph__ icon. You can see the flow of the process is not right, as we want to start, then display and finally end. |
+ |
+Click on the ''start'' activity. |
+In the __Add transitions to:__ list, select ''display'' and click __Save__. This places the ''start'' activity at the beginning of the process. |
+Click the {img src=/galaxia/icons/graph.gif} __graph__ icon again to see the flow of the process. |
+ |
+!Inputting Data |
+Click the __template__ link on the ''start'' process. Edit the code, to display an INPUT TEXT field. |
+{CODE()}{*Smarty template*} |
+ |
+<form method="post"> |
+ Ready to display text: <b>{$display_text}</b><br> |
+ |
+ Please enter your name:<input type=text name="name"> |
+ |
+ <input type=submit name="save" value="Ok"> |
+</form>{CODE} |
+Click the __code__ button to switch to the PHP code window. Edit the code, to store the text from the INPUT TEXT field. |
+{CODE()}<?php |
+ $gBitSmarty->assign('display_text', 'Hello world!'); |
+ |
+ if(isset($_REQUEST['save'])){ |
+ |
+ $instance->set("name", $_REQUEST['name']); |
+ |
+ $instance->complete(); |
+ } |
+?>{CODE} |
+Drop down the __select source:__ list, and choose ''display''. Edit the code, to retrieve the stored text. |
+{CODE()}<?php |
+ $name = $instance->get("name"); |
+ $gBitSmarty->assign('name', $name); |
+ |
+ if(isset($_REQUEST['save'])){ |
+ $instance->complete(); |
+ } |
+?>{CODE} |
+Press the __template__ button and edit the template to display the retrieved value. |
+{CODE()}{*Smarty template*} |
+<form method="post"> |
+ Hello there <b>{$name}</b><br> |
+ Press <input type=submit name="save" value="Continue"> to finish. |
+</form>{CODE} |
+Click __save__ to finish coding. |
+ |
+Click the {img src=/galaxia/icons/refresh2.gif} __activate__ icon to activate the process. Go to ''User Activities and try version 1.1 of the Hello World Process. |
-Below that, you will see the __Map groups to roles__ section. In our example we will map a group we belong to
-(TODO: Maybe move to another section as each type is introduced)
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/mini_rectangle.gif} __activity__ - Normal activities don’t have any special meaning so they are used to represent things that should be done as a part of a process. Normal activities can receive many inbound transitions but can only have one outbound transition.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/mini_diamond.gif} __switch__ - A switch activity represents a point of decision in a process. Instances reaching a switch activity are evaluated and depending on programmed conditions, the instance is routed to different activities. Switch activities can have many inbound transitions and many outbound transitions.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/mini_triangle.gif} __split__ - When two or more activities in a process can be performed independently in paralell - a split activity is used to split the an instance, routing the same instance to many activities. This allows an instance to be in many activities at the same time. Split activities represent subflows in a workflow. A split activity can receive many inbound transitions and can have many outbound transitions.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/mini_inv_triangle.gif} __join__ - A join activity is used to re-group multiple instances from a split activity. When an instance reaches a join activity, it is verified that all other related instances have reached the join activity. At this point, the instance can be directed to the next activity. Join activities can have many inbound transitions (more than one is expected) and can only have one outbound activity.
-* {img src=/Galaxia/icons/mini_hexagon.gif} __standalone__ - A standalone activity is not part of the normal flow of the process and are not related to process instances. A standalone activity can be executed any time by a user with the right permissions. These activities are ideal for data management related to the process, listings, adding items, removing items, etc. If there is no order relationship between different activities in a process, it can be designed as a set of standalone activities. Otherwise a processes will consist of a route of activities and a set of auxiliar standalone activities. Standalone activities can not have inbound or outbound transitions.(/TODO) |