History of BlogsPackage

Differences from version 5 to 12

@@ -11,6 +11,25 @@

 For a good live example of a complexly configured community blog site using this package please see: [http://workinglife.org|Workinglife.org]
-!!Additional Features
 * __Ajax Read More__
 +The "Ajax Read More" feature lets readers load up the second half "read more" section of a blog post into a page that displays several posts at once. Thus the user does not need to do a full page load just to read the rest of the story. The Permalink and Comments links are still present if the user desires to navigate to either of those.
+*__Auto Display Primary Attachment__
++Blog posts can automatically display any attachment, typically an image, that is marked as the "Primary Attachment" during editing. This is especially useful for automatically inserting a photograph into a post. The first image you upload and attach to a blog post, during blog post editing, is the Primary Attachment. If you upload more images you can select which one is the Primary Attachment. the default templates will display a large version of your image at the top of your blog post, both on the "recent posts" view and on the post's page view.
+!!Layout Modules
+Blogs package provides a selection of layout modules you can use to put blogs related content throughout our site.
+*__Last Blog Posts__
++ The last blog posts module displays lists of blog posts. There many parameters you can set to use this module to display a variety of different kinds of blog post lists.
+** __sort_mode__
+++ blog posts are naturally sorted by date, but they could be sorted by a variety of other data, such as author, or page hits, etc. @TODO - list a variety of example values here.
+** __user__ [[user login]
+++ list blog posts by a particular user. set user to be the login name of the user who's posts you want to list.
+** __blog_id__
+++ list blog posts that have been assigned to a particular blog
+** __group_id__
+++ list blog posts authored by users in a particular group
+** __date_start_offset__ [[hours]
+++ lists posts published since the number of hours that has elapsed.
+** __status__ [[draft]
+++ currently there is only one option for status: __draft__. When set to draft the module will display a list of the logged in user's draft blog posts.
Page History
30 Jun 2008 (09:24 UTC)
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