-!::bitweaver standing tall::
-::{img src="/storage/images/standing-tall.jpg"}:: ::Release 1.1::
-To celebrate the resurection of my highly dysfunctional yet greatly appreciated [/photos/image/28/2|laptop] we have put up a new release. A ton of bugs have been squashed and various improvments have been committed to our favourite project. bitweaver now also contains the useful CalendarPackage, which allows you to easily track any changes that occur on your site. Enough written, [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=141358&release_id=336854|download bitweaver].
-If you are upgrading from a previous version, please view our ((bitweaverUpgrade|upgrade notes)).
-! ReleaseOne available now!
-bitweaver is an application framework for content management. Is it Open Source, Object Oriented, and written in [http://www.php.net|PHP]. We use [http://smarty.php.net|Smarty Templates] and [http://adodb.sourceforge.net/|ADOdb] to support many databases.
+bitweaver is an application framework for content management. It is open source, object oriented, and written in [http://www.php.net|PHP]. We use [http://smarty.php.net|Smarty Templates] and [http://adodb.sourceforge.net/|ADOdb] to support many databases. |
* ((bitweaverOverview|Overview))
* ((bitweaverFeatures|Features))
+*[http://www.opensourcecms.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2155&PHPSESSID=c7c8f321cab4f67b9dca147abcee97b3|__Demo__] |
+* ((Screenshots|Screenshots)) |
+* ((bitweaver_sites|Bitweaver Sites)) |
* ((WhybitweaverIsCool|Why bitweaver Is Cool))
* ((WhyUsebitweaver|Why You Should Use bitweaver))
* ((Technical_Documentation|Technical & Developer Documentation))
-* ((bitweaverRoadMap|Roadmap))
+* ((Roadmap|Roadmap)) |
* Discover the power of bitweaver customization with this [Tutorial_Custom_Package|simple tutorial]
-^Your Custom Code + Pristine Source = __bitweaver!__ - A modular web framework and content management system with power, flexibility, and ((bitweaverPackage|simplicity)).^
+{img src="/storage/images/standing-tall.jpg" align=center}{div style="text-align:center;background:#eee;border:2px solid #ccc;margin:0 4em;padding:1em;"}Your Custom Code + Pristine Source = __bitweaver!__ - A modular web framework and content management system with power, flexibility, and ((bitweaverPackage|simplicity)).{/div} |
! Download bitweaver
Now that you know something about the background of bitweaver, we're sure you're itching to give it a shot. Give our [http://demo.bitweaver.org|demo site] a try or just go ahead and download and install it right away! Visit bitweaverRequirements for information on the server requirements.