-!::bitweaver standing tall::
-::{img src="/storage/images/standing-tall.jpg"}:: ::Release 1.1::
-To celebrate the resurection of my highly dysfunctional, yet greatly appreciated [/photos/image/28/2|laptop] we have put up a new release. A ton of bugs have been squashed and various improvments have been committed to our favourite project. We have turned ((FisheyePackage|fisheye)) into a complete file manager and we have also included the useful ((CalendarPackage|calendar)) in this release. the ((CalendarPackage|calendar)) allows you to easily track any changes that occur on your site. Additionally, we have enhanced our security measures even more to make it more secure than ever!
-Enough rambling, [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=141358&release_id=336854|grap bitweaver here]!
-If you are upgrading from a previous version, please view our ((bitweaverUpgrade|upgrade notes)).
-! What is bitweaver?
-bitweaver is an application framework for content management. Is it Open Source, Object Oriented, and written in [http://www.php.net|PHP]. We use [http://smarty.php.net|Smarty Templates] and [http://adodb.sourceforge.net/|ADOdb] to support many databases.
+bitweaver is an application framework for content management. It is open source, object oriented, and written in [http://www.php.net|PHP]. We use [http://smarty.php.net|Smarty Templates] and [http://adodb.sourceforge.net/|ADOdb] to support many databases. |
* ((bitweaverOverview|Overview))
* ((bitweaverFeatures|Features))
+*[http://www.opensourcecms.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2155&PHPSESSID=c7c8f321cab4f67b9dca147abcee97b3|__Demo__] |
+* ((Screenshots|Screenshots)) |
+* ((bitweaver_sites|Bitweaver Sites)) |
* ((WhybitweaverIsCool|Why bitweaver Is Cool))
* ((WhyUsebitweaver|Why You Should Use bitweaver))
* ((Technical_Documentation|Technical & Developer Documentation))
-* ((bitweaverRoadMap|Roadmap))
+* ((Roadmap|Roadmap)) |
* Discover the power of bitweaver customization with this [Tutorial_Custom_Package|simple tutorial]
-^Your Custom Code + Pristine Source = __bitweaver!__ - A modular web framework and content management system with power, flexibility, and ((bitweaverPackage|simplicity)).^
+{img src="/storage/images/standing-tall.jpg" align=center}{div style="text-align:center;background:#eee;border:2px solid #ccc;margin:0 4em;padding:1em;"}Your Custom Code + Pristine Source = __bitweaver!__ - A modular web framework and content management system with power, flexibility, and ((bitweaverPackage|simplicity)).{/div} |
! Download bitweaver
Now that you know something about the background of bitweaver, we're sure you're itching to give it a shot. Give our [http://demo.bitweaver.org|demo site] a try or just go ahead and download and install it right away! Visit bitweaverRequirements for information on the server requirements.