History of bitweaver_sites
Version 31
list of sites using TikiPro
this is a list of sites using TikiPro. sites are listed in no spcific order and hopefully will be automated at some point.
TikiPro|TikiPro main site
TikiPro - Demo|On this site you can log in as a regular user or as an admin and view the product before downloading it.
TikiPro - bonnie|test-site for bonnie CVS - might not work all of the time
TikiPro - clyde|test-site for clyde CVS - might not work all of the time
| AWiSE|association for women in science and engineering
| AndrewSlater.com|Andrew Slater's Personal Website
| Viovio|The "wikipedia" of travel, millions of places on earth where anyone can contribute their travel knowledge
| Lulu|Lulu book publishing community
| NAJU Brandenburg| Die Naturschutzjugend Brandenburg. Natur- und Umweltschutz im Land Brandenburg seit 1991.
| modcore.org| Political action website
| dbTuning.org| database tuning and server hardware performance community wiki
| eslteacherlink.com| Entertainment website for connecting people and communities in South Korea!
| Kopie/Druck| copy shop
| Musiik Festival| music festival in Berlin, Germany
-| poplars and rocks| network for european bands
| Radio Control Dagger Web|a radio control community that features Tamiya car and truck modification, building, help, and fun!|
TikiPro eating it's own dogfood and test sites
TikiPro|TikiPro main site
TikiPro - Demo|On this site you can log in as a regular user or as an admin and view the product before downloading it.
TikiPro - bonnie|test-site for bonnie CVS - might not work all of the time
TikiPro - clyde|test-site for clyde CVS - might not work all of the time
other sites
| AWiSE|association for women in science and engineering
| AndrewSlater.com|Andrew Slater's Personal Website
| Viovio|The "wikipedia" of travel, millions of places on earth where anyone can contribute their travel knowledge
| Lulu|Lulu book publishing community
| NAJU Brandenburg| Die Naturschutzjugend Brandenburg. Natur- und Umweltschutz im Land Brandenburg seit 1991.
| modcore.org| Political action website
| dbTuning.org| database tuning and server hardware performance community wiki
| eslteacherlink.com| Entertainment website for connecting people and communities in South Korea!
| Musiik Festival| music festival in Berlin, Germany
-| poplars and rocks| network for european bands
| Radio Control Dagger Web|a radio control community that features Tamiya car and truck modification, building, help, and fun!|