History of bitweaver_sites
this is a list of sites using TikiPro. sites are listed in no spcific order and hopefully will be automated at some point.
||__::TikiPro eating it's own [http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/eatyourowndogfood.asp|dogfood] and test sites::__
[http://www.tikipro.org/|TikiPro]|TikiPro main site
[http://bonnie.tikipro.org/|TikiPro - bonnie]|test-site for bonnie CVS - might not work all of the time
[http://clyde.tikipro.org/|TikiPro - clyde]|test-site for clyde CVS - might not work all of the time
__::other sites::__
[http://www.awise.org|AWiSE]|association for women in science and engineerin
[http://www.andrewslater.com|Andrewslater.com]|Andrew Slaters Blogs
[http://people.lulu.com/lulu/index.php|Lulu]|Lulu book publishing community
||__::TikiPro eating it's own [http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/eatyourowndogfood.asp|dogfood] and test sites::__
[http://www.tikipro.org/|TikiPro]|TikiPro main site
[http://bonnie.tikipro.org/|TikiPro - bonnie]|test-site for bonnie CVS - might not work all of the time
[http://clyde.tikipro.org/|TikiPro - clyde]|test-site for clyde CVS - might not work all of the time
__::other sites::__
[http://www.awise.org|AWiSE]|association for women in science and engineerin
[http://www.andrewslater.com|Andrewslater.com]|Andrew Slaters Blogs
[http://people.lulu.com/lulu/index.php|Lulu]|Lulu book publishing community