History of LibertyAttachments
LibertyAttachments is a mechanism for attaching *any* id based mechanism to any LibertyPackage derived content (wiki, blogs).
The tiki_attachments table is an abstraction to the actual file location. This permits one to use the local file system (tiki_files) or database binary objects (tiki_blobs), tables from other 3rd party application ( like a g_id from [http://gallery.sourceforge.net|gallery2] ), or even links to other websites such as [http://www.pbase.com|pbase] or [http://www.lulu.com|lulu]. LibertyAttachable extended objects use the public methods to have a "black box" for attaching data, and the actual location is dependent on the attachment plugin.
All functionality is in the LibertyPackage package. There is a LibertyAttachbale class that handles all storing and retrieving of attachment data. Currently, there are plugins for Lulu, PBase and uploads via tiki_files. Future support (blobs, gallery2, etc.) will depend on community support and developer interest.
Here is a diagram of how the Tables interface:
{img src=http://www.tikipro.org/imagegals/show_image.php?id=32 align=center }
The tiki_attachments table is an abstraction to the actual file location. This permits one to use the local file system (tiki_files) or database binary objects (tiki_blobs), tables from other 3rd party application ( like a g_id from [http://gallery.sourceforge.net|gallery2] ), or even links to other websites such as [http://www.pbase.com|pbase] or [http://www.lulu.com|lulu]. LibertyAttachable extended objects use the public methods to have a "black box" for attaching data, and the actual location is dependent on the attachment plugin.
All functionality is in the LibertyPackage package. There is a LibertyAttachbale class that handles all storing and retrieving of attachment data. Currently, there are plugins for Lulu, PBase and uploads via tiki_files. Future support (blobs, gallery2, etc.) will depend on community support and developer interest.
Here is a diagram of how the Tables interface:
{img src=http://www.tikipro.org/imagegals/show_image.php?id=32 align=center }