! Introduction
The idea behind this plugin is to add an existing Poll to a Page. The Poll should take the minimum amount of space on the page & provide the ability to vote on the poll.
! So What Would It Do?
-I'm thinking about sites that provide User Ratings like [http://downloads-zdnet.com.com/HashCalc/3000-2383-10130771.html|Zdnet.com] Other sites provide thumbs up / thumbs down (stars / harts / or whatever) ratings.
+I'm thinking about sites that provide User Ratings like [http://downloads-zdnet.com.com/HashCalc/3000-2383-10130771.html|Zdnet.com] Other sites provide thumbs up / thumbs down (stars / harts / or whatever) ratings. Something like: |
+^::{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/tu.gif}{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/3stars.gif}.......................................{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/tu.gif}{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/mini_blue_circle.gif}{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/mini_blue_circle.gif}{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/mini_blue_dbl_circle.gif}{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/mini_blue_circle.gif}{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/mini_blue_circle.gif}{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/td.gif}..........{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/info.gif}.......................................{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/4stars.gif}{img src='http://tikiwiki.org/img/icons/td.gif}::^ |
! What Shouldn't It Do?
I don't believe that the user should be taken away from the page - to vote or for anything else. Comments and any other information should be embeded in the Plugin (in the form of a dropdown hidden box)
+ |
! How Would This Plugin be used ?
This page is an excelent example of where this plugin should be used. It would allow users to decide if they like it or not / add comments for others.