* To optimize your custom theme, read our ((Speed optimisation|Speed optimisation research)), comparing bitweaver to selected other content management systems by analyzing their main pages for HTTP requests and load times, and listing possibilities to optimize them.
!! Tools and information
-* Install a PHP opcode caching mechanism. This might be the most notable performance boost of all! It will drastically reduce PHP memory usage and improve execution time, sometimes as much as several 100 percent! Recommendations are __[http://eaccelerator.net/HomeUk|php-eaccelerator]__ (a maintained version of [http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net/|turck-mmcache]) or __[http://php.net/apc|APC - 'Alternative PHP Cache']__.
+* Install a PHP opcode caching mechanism. This might be the most notable performance boost of all! It will drastically reduce PHP memory usage and improve execution time, sometimes as much as several 100 percent! Recommendations are |
+** __[http://eaccelerator.net/HomeUk|php-eaccelerator]__ (a maintained version of [http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net/|turck-mmcache]); eAccelerator is detected or recommended by bitweaver's installer |
+** __[http://xcache.lighttpd.net/|XCache]__, included in Ubuntu (successfully tested with bitweaver: Ubuntu 8, PHP 5, XCache 1.2.1) |
+** __[http://php.net/apc|APC - 'Alternative PHP Cache']__ |
* System Administration Tool: [http://www.vanheusden.com/multitail/|MultiTail] - tail on steroids
* If you have a high traffic site, make sure you have an ((Advanced Apache Configuration for High Traffic Sites)).
* If you are running MySQL, there's this [http://www.ghastlyfop.com/blog/2008/01/lamp-performance-for-dummies.html|interesting page about MySQL tuning]