History of PrototypeDocumentation
!!This is Documentation for the Javascript library [http://prototype.conio.net/|Prototype].
[http://prototype.conio.net/|Prototype] is a JavaScript framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications. Featuring a unique, easy-to-use toolkit for class-driven development and the nicest Ajax library around, Prototype is quickly becoming the codebase of choice for Web 2.0 developers everywhere.
The Documentation is split among the following pages:
+Commonly used javascript functions shortened to save you time.
+Extensions of Javascripts existing classes and functions
+For basic Dom Element manipulation
+Simplified AJAX handling
+All Prototype Documentation on Bitweaver.org on one page
!!Prototype Use In Bitweaver
You can find Bitweaver Packages that use Prototype and instructions for including the Prototype library in your package here: PrototypeUseInBitweaver
!!Prototype Tutorials and Examples
There are some examples in the documentation here on bw.o, but here are some more sample uses of Prototype found around the web:
[http://24ways.org/advent/easy-ajax-with-prototype|Easy AJAX with Prototype] [[24-ways.org]
[http://blogs.ebusiness-apps.com/jordan/pages/Prototype%20Library%20Info.htm|Prototype Library Info] [[blogs.ebusiness-apps.com]
[http://particletree.com/features/quick-guide-to-prototype/|Quick Guide To Prototype] [[particletree.com]
!!Credits and About
This documentation is based on the original documentation here:
We hope to make this documenation more accessible by using a wiki for easy access and maintenance.
[http://prototype.conio.net/|Prototype] is a JavaScript framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications. Featuring a unique, easy-to-use toolkit for class-driven development and the nicest Ajax library around, Prototype is quickly becoming the codebase of choice for Web 2.0 developers everywhere.
The Documentation is split among the following pages:
+Commonly used javascript functions shortened to save you time.
+Extensions of Javascripts existing classes and functions
+For basic Dom Element manipulation
+Simplified AJAX handling
+All Prototype Documentation on Bitweaver.org on one page
!!Prototype Use In Bitweaver
You can find Bitweaver Packages that use Prototype and instructions for including the Prototype library in your package here: PrototypeUseInBitweaver
!!Prototype Tutorials and Examples
There are some examples in the documentation here on bw.o, but here are some more sample uses of Prototype found around the web:
[http://24ways.org/advent/easy-ajax-with-prototype|Easy AJAX with Prototype] [[24-ways.org]
[http://blogs.ebusiness-apps.com/jordan/pages/Prototype%20Library%20Info.htm|Prototype Library Info] [[blogs.ebusiness-apps.com]
[http://particletree.com/features/quick-guide-to-prototype/|Quick Guide To Prototype] [[particletree.com]
!!Credits and About
This documentation is based on the original documentation here:
We hope to make this documenation more accessible by using a wiki for easy access and maintenance.