-{div style="background:#f5f5f5; padding:1em; margin:1em; border:3px solid #eee; "}bitweaver is an application framework for content management. It is a fully functional web application and CMS, and is used to power every page on this site. It is truly open source, community driven, object oriented, and written in [http://www.php.net|PHP]. We use [http://smarty.php.net|Smarty Templates] and [http://adodb.sourceforge.net/|ADOdb] to support many databases including Postgres, Firebird, Oracle, and MySQL.
+{div class="row"}{div class="col-md-6"}{attachment id=632 size=small style='float:left' link=/wiki/bitweaver+Features}__Bitweaver__ is a __free and open source ((Bitweaver Framework|web application framework))__ and __((Bitweaver Features|content management system))__. Its speed and power are ideal for large-scale community websites and corporate applications, but it is simple enough for non-technical small site users to set up and administrate. It comes fully featured on install but is modular and easy to extend. {div style="text-align:center;"}|| __((Bitweaver Overview))__ | __((Screenshots|Screenshots))__
+__New: Release 3.1 Is Here__ Release 3 is a completely fresh release. Get ((support)) if you have any issues.
-If you are new to bitweaver, ((bitweaver|go get the big picture)) or if you want to start writing your own code today, head straight for the SamplePackage.