*[|Built-in Database Query functions available from bw kernel]
!!Programming Stuff
-*[http://digir.sourceforge.net/nightly/DiGIRprov/lib/adodb/docs-datadict.htm|ADODB Data Dictionary for PHP]
*[http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/tutorials/index.php?tut=0&part=25|Javascript and Navigating the Dom Tree]
-*[http://smarty.php.net/manual/en/language.escaping.php|Using Javascript with Smarty] and elegant solution.
+*[http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.escaping.php|Using Javascript with Smarty].
*[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Join_%28SQL%29|DB JOIN FAQ on Wikipedia]
*[http://rafb.net/paste/|Code Paste Board]
*[http://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/MIRRORS/ftp.mysql.com/doc/en/CREATE_INDEX.html|Creating Indeces for your database tables] as declaired in schema_inc.php
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
!!Setting up Smarty templates
!!!Including tpl files in the html HEAD
-The bitweaver Kernel is set up to automatically include header information from all packages. Any information you want included in the HTML HEAD you put in a file named __header_inc.tpl__ which goes in your package's _templates_ folder.
+The bitweaver Kernel is set up to automatically include header information from all packages. Any information you want included in the HTML HEAD you put in a file named __header_inc.tpl__ which goes in your package's __templates__ folder.
To create conditional header includes simply nest tpl files in the header_inc.php file. You can do this by using the this include code:
-{CODE()}{ include file="bitpackage:yourpackagename/subheader.tpl"}
+{CODE}{ include file="bitpackage:yourpackagename/subheader.tpl"}
@@ -114,6 +114,11 @@
!General Bitweaver Information
+!!Some things about security
+!!!Use of "tk" value
+* tk in forms is generated in kernel/BitSmarty.php add_link_ticket();
+* the current tk value should be in $gBitUser->mTicket
!!Troublshooting Your Bitweaver Install
!!!Admin Locked Out
Try deleting your bowser cache and cookies for the site. Also try deleting from the database using the following: