*Editable error messages (all messages generated from a wiki page, essentially.)
-!!!the hardcore "wiki people, Eat your own dogfood" method.
-*project site contains knowledgebase including all relevant terms.
-*visitors as a question only on the relevant page and in edit comment window.
-*developers get changelog as rss. and answer only by editing pages
+!!!the hardcore "wiki people, eat your own dogfood" method. |
+*project site contains knowledge base including: |
+**__a page for every page__ - for each and every admin/config screen there should be a page in the documentation, named after the url, which explains all the options. |
+**pages which define and explain all commonly used terms and concepts, like what is a "category" in bitweaver. |
+*__no help by forums, nor by chat, nor by email__. Those seeking help need to be trained to help everyone, and save everyone's time by only asking questions in the documentation wiki itself. |
+**developers get the recent changes / changelog of the documentation as an rss. and answer only by editing pages |
*shut down all forums and listserves
*don't answer questions by email or irc.
__End result__ a somewhat messy but highly comprehensive and up to date documentation.
!!!category: travelling documentation
-all stable parts of the knowledge base should be included in the startup wiki DB. |
+all stable parts of the knowledge base should be categorized as such, included in a structure which publishes to PDF, and included in the startup wiki DB. |