History of TreasuryPackage
TreasuryPackage is a file gallery designed for bitweaver
! Basic feature outline
* Nested galleries.
** It is possible to create galleries withn galleries making it easy to structurally organise file uploads.
** Nested galleries use the LibertyStructure stystem, providing a uniform interface and behaviour.
* Every gallery can have an image associated with it.
** Gallery images are independent of gallery content and can therefor be used to illustrate the content of given gallery.
* Pluggable MIME handlers
** Any file that is uploaded is processed by the default MIME handler. You can simply drop a new MIME handler into the treasury/plugins directory, turn it on in the treasury admin screen. Any files that are uploaded with a defined set of MIME types will then be handled by the selected MIME handler (see below for a tutorial).
** Default MIME handler creates thumbnails and inserts data in various places making the files available as globally available attachments.
** If you don't like the thumbnail generated automagically, you can upload your own image, which will be scaled automatically.
* Treasury allows the use of bitweaver services. This means you can use packages like pigeonholes to categorise galleries and files.
* It is possible to assign individual permissions to galleries. This makes it possible to create public galleries or restrict galleries from public view.
!! PEAR::HTTP_Download
Installing PEAR::HTTP_Download will enable users to resume downloads and use download managers to connect and download files from your server. you can install this by executing the following as admin:
{code source=bash}
pear install --alldeps HTTP_Download
If you don't have admin privilidges on the server, you will have to ask the system admin to install this for you.
__Note__: This is __not__ required.
! Pluggable MIME handlers
Treasury allows you to specify how it should handle files of a given filetype. for instance, you might want to create a preview of videos that have been uploaded, or you might want to extract a chunk of text from textfiles, or parse excel files and convert them comma seperated values files...
anyway, the idea is that you can do anything with any of the files based on the MIME type of the uploaded file.
!! Available Plugins
* Default mime handler
+ a generic plugin that takes care of any filetype, creates thumbnails of images, inserts file details into liberty_attachments, making the files available in any wiki page or article.
* Video handler
+ requires mplayer to be installed on the server. extracts screen shots from various video types and displays these when viewing the file.
* Flash handler
+ will display the flash file inline when viewing the particular file page.
* Theme handler
+ a plugin specifically written for bitweaver styles and icon styles. this plugin will extract some relevant information when uploading a style or icon style.
* Second video handler - Required: [http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu|ffmpeg] - Optional: [http://ffmpeg-php.sourceforge.net/|ffmpeg-php]
+ A pluign that will convert common video formats including avi, mpg, wmv and mov to flash video. The conversion process can be lengthy and therefore this plugin requires the use of cron jobs (depending on demand and need, we can make this cron requirement optional). This plugin also requires a recent version of [http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu|ffmpeg]. In fact, you need to compile the svn version of ffmpeg as other versions don't support conversion to .flv files (luckily, gentoo users only need to emerge --sync and compile the regular version of ffmpeg...).
+ The plugin also supports the use of [http://ffmpeg-php.sourceforge.net/|ffmpeg-php]. This extension is __not__ required but will enable bitweaver to extract video information such as video duration and other useless but handy information to improve processing and therefor final result.
+ Example of [http://fca.at/wiki/Grundkurs|serverside converted videos]
let's set up a custom plugin that uses all the features of the default plugin but does some extra stuff. this plugin is part of the distribution and is used here on bitweaver to process uploaded themes.
Initiate the plugin and define the basics. most of this should be self explanatory and inline comments explain bits as well.
{code source=PHP title="Plugin setup"}
* setup
global $gTreasurySystem;
* This is the name of the plugin - max char length is 16
* As a naming convention, the treasury mime handler definition should start with:
define( 'TREASURY_MIME_GUID_THEME', 'mime_theme' );
$pluginParams = array (
// Set of functions and what they are called in this paricular plugin
// Use the GUID as your namespace
// Verify function called when the file has been uploaded - before it is stored. use this to prepare the store hash.
'verify_function' => 'treasury_theme_verify',
// Function called to store the actual data.
'store_function' => 'treasury_theme_store',
// Update the data in the database when a user edits content.
'update_function' => 'treasury_theme_update',
// Collect all data needed to view the given file.
'load_function' => 'treasury_theme_load',
// What to do when the user wants to download the file.
'download_function' => 'treasury_theme_download',
// Remove all the data from various places in the database when the item is deleted.
'expunge_function' => 'treasury_theme_expunge',
// Brief description of what the plugin does
'title' => 'Theme Mime Handler',
'description' => 'This plugin will extract any archive and will search for a file called <style>/style_info/preview.<ext> and will try to create a thumbnail from it.',
// Template used when viewing the item
'view_tpl' => 'bitpackage:treasury/view_theme_inc.tpl',
// This should be the same for all mime plugins
'plugin_type' => TREASURY_MIME,
// Set this to TRUE if you want the plugin active right after installation
'auto_activate' => FALSE,
// Allow for additional processing options - passed in during verify and store
'processing_options' =>
<input type="checkbox" name="treasury[plugin][is_style]" value="true" /> '.
tra( 'Check this box if you are uploading a bitweaver theme. Please view <a href="/wiki/Style+Uploads">Style Uploads</a> for details.' ).
// this plugin should do it's thing when an archive is uploaded
'mimetypes' => array(
$gTreasurySystem->registerPlugin( TREASURY_MIME_GUID_THEME, $pluginParams );
since we are using the default plugin to handle the basics of the files, we need to include it as well.
{code source=PHP title="Include the default plugin"}
// depending on the scan the default file might not be included yet. we need get it manually
require_once( 'mime.default.php' );
the various functions that are called when treasury requires them
{code source=PHP title="File processing functions"}
* Sanitise and validate data before it's stored
* @param array $pStoreRow Hash of data that needs to be stored
* @param array $pStoreRow['upload'] Hash passed in by $_FILES upload
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pStoreRow['errors'] will contain reason
function treasury_theme_verify( &$pStoreRow ) {
global $gBitSystem;
$ret = treasury_default_verify( $pStoreRow );
// If all of that went well, we're ready to do the style thing
if( $ret ) {
// if this is a theme, we'll extract the archive and look for the theme image found as <style>/style_info/preview.<ext>
if( !empty( $pStoreRow['plugin']['is_style'] ) ) {
if( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] = liberty_process_archive( $pStoreRow['upload'] ) ) {
if( $preview = treasury_theme_get_preview( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] ) ) {
$pStoreRow['thumb']['name'] = basename( $preview );
$pStoreRow['thumb']['tmp_name'] = $preview;
$pStoreRow['thumb']['type'] = $gBitSystem->lookupMimeType( $preview );
$pStoreRow['thumb']['error'] = 0;
// check to see if we have screenshots - limit them to 3 screenshots / theme
if( $sshots = treasury_theme_get_screenshots( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] ) ) {
$i = 0;
foreach( $sshots as $key => $sshot ) {
if( $i < 3 ) {
$pStoreRow['screenshots']['screenshot'.$key]['name'] = 'screenshot'.$key;
$pStoreRow['screenshots']['screenshot'.$key]['tmp_name'] = $sshot;
$pStoreRow['screenshots']['screenshot'.$key]['type'] = $gBitSystem->lookupMimeType( $sshot );
$pStoreRow['screenshots']['screenshot'.$key]['error'] = 0;
// if this is an icon style, we should end up with a number of icons
$pStoreRow['icons'] = treasury_theme_get_icons( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] );
return $ret;
* When a file is edited
* @param array $pStoreRow File data needed to store details in the database - sanitised and generated in the verify function
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pStoreRow['errors'] will contain reason
function treasury_theme_update( &$pStoreRow ) {
$ret = treasury_default_update( $pStoreRow );
// if that all went well, we can do our style thing
if( $ret ) {
treasury_theme_process_extracted_files( $pStoreRow );
return $ret;
* Store the data in the database
* @param array $pStoreRow File data needed to store details in the database - sanitised and generated in the verify function
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pStoreRow['errors'] will contain reason
function treasury_theme_store( &$pStoreRow ) {
$ret = treasury_default_store( $pStoreRow );
// if that all went well, we can do our style thing
if( $ret ) {
treasury_theme_process_extracted_files( $pStoreRow );
return $ret;
* Load file data from the database
* @param array $pRow
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - ['errors'] will contain reason for failure
function treasury_theme_load( &$pFileHash ) {
$ret = treasury_default_load( $pFileHash );
if( $ret ) {
// get extra stuff such as screenshots and icons
if( $sshots = treasury_theme_get_screenshots( dirname( $pFileHash['source_file'] ) ) ) {
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $sshots ); $i++ ) {
$pFileHash['screenshots'][] = dirname( $pFileHash['source_url'] ).'/'.basename( $sshots[$i] );
if( $icons = treasury_theme_get_icons( dirname( $pFileHash['source_file'] ), 'icons' ) ) {
$count = count( $icons );
// get a maximum of 50 icons
for( $i = 0; $i < 50; $i++ ) {
$pFileHash['icons'][basename( $icons[$i] )] = dirname( $pFileHash['source_url'] ).'/icons/'.basename( $icons[$i] );
ksort( $pFileHash['icons'] );
return $ret ;
* Takes care of the entire download process. Make sure it doesn't die at the end.
* in this functioin it would be possible to add download resume possibilites and the like
* @param array $pFileHash Basically the same has as returned by the load function
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pParamHash['errors'] will contain reason for failure
function treasury_theme_download( &$pFileHash ) {
$ret = treasury_default_download( $pFileHash );
return $ret;
* Nuke data in tables when content is removed
* @param array $pParamHash The contents of TreasuryItem->mInfo
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pParamHash['errors'] will contain reason for failure
function treasury_theme_expunge( &$pParamHash ) {
$ret = treasury_default_expunge( $pParamHash );
return $ret;
this plugin requires some additional functions for handling the uploaded archives
{code source=PHP title="Additional functions not strictly necessary"}
* Extract style_info/preview.<ext> for theme icon
* @param array $pPath Path to extracted archive
* @access public
* @return Path to preview image on success, FALSE on failure
function treasury_theme_get_preview( $pPath ) {
static $ret;
if( $dh = opendir( $pPath ) ) {
while( FALSE !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ) {
if( $file != '.' && $file != '..' ) {
if( basename( $pPath ) == "style_info" && is_file( $pPath.'/'.$file ) && preg_match( "/^preview\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/", $file ) ) {
$ret = $pPath.'/'.$file;
} elseif( is_dir( $pPath.'/'.$file ) ) {
treasury_theme_get_preview( $pPath.'/'.$file );
closedir( $dh );
return( !empty( $ret ) ? $ret : FALSE );
* Extract screenshots found in the theme archive
* @param array $pPath Path to extracted archive
* @access public
* @return Path to preview image on success, FALSE on failure
function treasury_theme_get_screenshots( $pPath ) {
static $ret;
if( $dh = opendir( $pPath ) ) {
while( FALSE !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ) {
if( $file != '.' && $file != '..' ) {
if( preg_match( "/^screenshot\d*.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/i", $file ) ) {
$ret[] = $pPath.'/'.$file;
} elseif( is_dir( $pPath.'/'.$file ) ) {
treasury_theme_get_screenshots( $pPath.'/'.$file );
closedir( $dh );
return( !empty( $ret ) ? $ret : FALSE );
* Extract icons found in the theme archive
* @param array $pPath Path to extracted archive
* @access public
* @return Path to preview image on success, FALSE on failure
function treasury_theme_get_icons( $pPath, $pIconDir = 'large' ) {
static $ret;
if( $dh = opendir( $pPath ) ) {
while( FALSE !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ) {
if( preg_match( "/^[^\.]/", $file ) ) {
if( basename( $pPath ) == $pIconDir && preg_match( "/\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/i", $file ) ) {
$ret[] = $pPath.'/'.$file;
} elseif( is_dir( $pPath.'/'.$file ) ) {
treasury_theme_get_icons( $pPath.'/'.$file, $pIconDir );
closedir( $dh );
return( !empty( $ret ) ? $ret : FALSE );
* All the files that have been extracted so far need to be processed and moved around
* @param array $pStoreRow
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function treasury_theme_process_extracted_files( $pStoreRow ) {
// if this is a theme, we need to convert the preview image into thumbnails
if( !empty( $pStoreRow['thumb'] ) ) {
$pStoreRow['thumb']['source_file'] = $pStoreRow['thumb']['tmp_name'];
$pStoreRow['thumb']['dest_path'] = $pStoreRow['upload']['dest_path'];
$pStoreRow['thumb']['dest_base_name'] = $pStoreRow['thumb']['name'];
liberty_generate_thumbnails( $pStoreRow['thumb'] );
// if we have screenshots we better do something with them
if( !empty( $pStoreRow['screenshots'] ) ) {
foreach( $pStoreRow['screenshots'] as $key => $sshot ) {
$resizeFunc = liberty_get_function( 'resize' );
$sshot['source_file'] = $sshot['tmp_name'];
$sshot['dest_base_name'] = $sshot['name'];
$sshot['dest_path'] = $pStoreRow['upload']['dest_path'];
$sshot['max_width'] = 400;
$sshot['max_height'] = 300;
$sshot['medium_thumb_path'] = BIT_ROOT_PATH.$resizeFunc( $sshot );
// if we have icons, we should place them somewhere that we can display them
if( !empty( $pStoreRow['icons'] ) ) {
@mkdir( BIT_ROOT_PATH.$pStoreRow['upload']['dest_path'].'icons' );
foreach( $pStoreRow['icons'] as $icon ) {
$dest = BIT_ROOT_PATH.$pStoreRow['upload']['dest_path'].'icons/'.basename( $icon );
if( $icon != $dest ) {
rename( $icon, $dest );
// now that all is done, we can remove temporarily extracted files
if( !empty( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] ) ) {
unlink_r( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] );
! Basic feature outline
* Nested galleries.
** It is possible to create galleries withn galleries making it easy to structurally organise file uploads.
** Nested galleries use the LibertyStructure stystem, providing a uniform interface and behaviour.
* Every gallery can have an image associated with it.
** Gallery images are independent of gallery content and can therefor be used to illustrate the content of given gallery.
* Pluggable MIME handlers
** Any file that is uploaded is processed by the default MIME handler. You can simply drop a new MIME handler into the treasury/plugins directory, turn it on in the treasury admin screen. Any files that are uploaded with a defined set of MIME types will then be handled by the selected MIME handler (see below for a tutorial).
** Default MIME handler creates thumbnails and inserts data in various places making the files available as globally available attachments.
** If you don't like the thumbnail generated automagically, you can upload your own image, which will be scaled automatically.
* Treasury allows the use of bitweaver services. This means you can use packages like pigeonholes to categorise galleries and files.
* It is possible to assign individual permissions to galleries. This makes it possible to create public galleries or restrict galleries from public view.
!! PEAR::HTTP_Download
Installing PEAR::HTTP_Download will enable users to resume downloads and use download managers to connect and download files from your server. you can install this by executing the following as admin:
{code source=bash}
pear install --alldeps HTTP_Download
If you don't have admin privilidges on the server, you will have to ask the system admin to install this for you.
__Note__: This is __not__ required.
! Pluggable MIME handlers
Treasury allows you to specify how it should handle files of a given filetype. for instance, you might want to create a preview of videos that have been uploaded, or you might want to extract a chunk of text from textfiles, or parse excel files and convert them comma seperated values files...
anyway, the idea is that you can do anything with any of the files based on the MIME type of the uploaded file.
!! Available Plugins
* Default mime handler
+ a generic plugin that takes care of any filetype, creates thumbnails of images, inserts file details into liberty_attachments, making the files available in any wiki page or article.
* Video handler
+ requires mplayer to be installed on the server. extracts screen shots from various video types and displays these when viewing the file.
* Flash handler
+ will display the flash file inline when viewing the particular file page.
* Theme handler
+ a plugin specifically written for bitweaver styles and icon styles. this plugin will extract some relevant information when uploading a style or icon style.
* Second video handler - Required: [http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu|ffmpeg] - Optional: [http://ffmpeg-php.sourceforge.net/|ffmpeg-php]
+ A pluign that will convert common video formats including avi, mpg, wmv and mov to flash video. The conversion process can be lengthy and therefore this plugin requires the use of cron jobs (depending on demand and need, we can make this cron requirement optional). This plugin also requires a recent version of [http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu|ffmpeg]. In fact, you need to compile the svn version of ffmpeg as other versions don't support conversion to .flv files (luckily, gentoo users only need to emerge --sync and compile the regular version of ffmpeg...).
+ The plugin also supports the use of [http://ffmpeg-php.sourceforge.net/|ffmpeg-php]. This extension is __not__ required but will enable bitweaver to extract video information such as video duration and other useless but handy information to improve processing and therefor final result.
+ Example of [http://fca.at/wiki/Grundkurs|serverside converted videos]
let's set up a custom plugin that uses all the features of the default plugin but does some extra stuff. this plugin is part of the distribution and is used here on bitweaver to process uploaded themes.
Initiate the plugin and define the basics. most of this should be self explanatory and inline comments explain bits as well.
{code source=PHP title="Plugin setup"}
* setup
global $gTreasurySystem;
* This is the name of the plugin - max char length is 16
* As a naming convention, the treasury mime handler definition should start with:
define( 'TREASURY_MIME_GUID_THEME', 'mime_theme' );
$pluginParams = array (
// Set of functions and what they are called in this paricular plugin
// Use the GUID as your namespace
// Verify function called when the file has been uploaded - before it is stored. use this to prepare the store hash.
'verify_function' => 'treasury_theme_verify',
// Function called to store the actual data.
'store_function' => 'treasury_theme_store',
// Update the data in the database when a user edits content.
'update_function' => 'treasury_theme_update',
// Collect all data needed to view the given file.
'load_function' => 'treasury_theme_load',
// What to do when the user wants to download the file.
'download_function' => 'treasury_theme_download',
// Remove all the data from various places in the database when the item is deleted.
'expunge_function' => 'treasury_theme_expunge',
// Brief description of what the plugin does
'title' => 'Theme Mime Handler',
'description' => 'This plugin will extract any archive and will search for a file called <style>/style_info/preview.<ext> and will try to create a thumbnail from it.',
// Template used when viewing the item
'view_tpl' => 'bitpackage:treasury/view_theme_inc.tpl',
// This should be the same for all mime plugins
'plugin_type' => TREASURY_MIME,
// Set this to TRUE if you want the plugin active right after installation
'auto_activate' => FALSE,
// Allow for additional processing options - passed in during verify and store
'processing_options' =>
<input type="checkbox" name="treasury[plugin][is_style]" value="true" /> '.
tra( 'Check this box if you are uploading a bitweaver theme. Please view <a href="/wiki/Style+Uploads">Style Uploads</a> for details.' ).
// this plugin should do it's thing when an archive is uploaded
'mimetypes' => array(
$gTreasurySystem->registerPlugin( TREASURY_MIME_GUID_THEME, $pluginParams );
since we are using the default plugin to handle the basics of the files, we need to include it as well.
{code source=PHP title="Include the default plugin"}
// depending on the scan the default file might not be included yet. we need get it manually
require_once( 'mime.default.php' );
the various functions that are called when treasury requires them
{code source=PHP title="File processing functions"}
* Sanitise and validate data before it's stored
* @param array $pStoreRow Hash of data that needs to be stored
* @param array $pStoreRow['upload'] Hash passed in by $_FILES upload
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pStoreRow['errors'] will contain reason
function treasury_theme_verify( &$pStoreRow ) {
global $gBitSystem;
$ret = treasury_default_verify( $pStoreRow );
// If all of that went well, we're ready to do the style thing
if( $ret ) {
// if this is a theme, we'll extract the archive and look for the theme image found as <style>/style_info/preview.<ext>
if( !empty( $pStoreRow['plugin']['is_style'] ) ) {
if( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] = liberty_process_archive( $pStoreRow['upload'] ) ) {
if( $preview = treasury_theme_get_preview( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] ) ) {
$pStoreRow['thumb']['name'] = basename( $preview );
$pStoreRow['thumb']['tmp_name'] = $preview;
$pStoreRow['thumb']['type'] = $gBitSystem->lookupMimeType( $preview );
$pStoreRow['thumb']['error'] = 0;
// check to see if we have screenshots - limit them to 3 screenshots / theme
if( $sshots = treasury_theme_get_screenshots( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] ) ) {
$i = 0;
foreach( $sshots as $key => $sshot ) {
if( $i < 3 ) {
$pStoreRow['screenshots']['screenshot'.$key]['name'] = 'screenshot'.$key;
$pStoreRow['screenshots']['screenshot'.$key]['tmp_name'] = $sshot;
$pStoreRow['screenshots']['screenshot'.$key]['type'] = $gBitSystem->lookupMimeType( $sshot );
$pStoreRow['screenshots']['screenshot'.$key]['error'] = 0;
// if this is an icon style, we should end up with a number of icons
$pStoreRow['icons'] = treasury_theme_get_icons( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] );
return $ret;
* When a file is edited
* @param array $pStoreRow File data needed to store details in the database - sanitised and generated in the verify function
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pStoreRow['errors'] will contain reason
function treasury_theme_update( &$pStoreRow ) {
$ret = treasury_default_update( $pStoreRow );
// if that all went well, we can do our style thing
if( $ret ) {
treasury_theme_process_extracted_files( $pStoreRow );
return $ret;
* Store the data in the database
* @param array $pStoreRow File data needed to store details in the database - sanitised and generated in the verify function
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pStoreRow['errors'] will contain reason
function treasury_theme_store( &$pStoreRow ) {
$ret = treasury_default_store( $pStoreRow );
// if that all went well, we can do our style thing
if( $ret ) {
treasury_theme_process_extracted_files( $pStoreRow );
return $ret;
* Load file data from the database
* @param array $pRow
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - ['errors'] will contain reason for failure
function treasury_theme_load( &$pFileHash ) {
$ret = treasury_default_load( $pFileHash );
if( $ret ) {
// get extra stuff such as screenshots and icons
if( $sshots = treasury_theme_get_screenshots( dirname( $pFileHash['source_file'] ) ) ) {
for( $i = 0; $i < count( $sshots ); $i++ ) {
$pFileHash['screenshots'][] = dirname( $pFileHash['source_url'] ).'/'.basename( $sshots[$i] );
if( $icons = treasury_theme_get_icons( dirname( $pFileHash['source_file'] ), 'icons' ) ) {
$count = count( $icons );
// get a maximum of 50 icons
for( $i = 0; $i < 50; $i++ ) {
$pFileHash['icons'][basename( $icons[$i] )] = dirname( $pFileHash['source_url'] ).'/icons/'.basename( $icons[$i] );
ksort( $pFileHash['icons'] );
return $ret ;
* Takes care of the entire download process. Make sure it doesn't die at the end.
* in this functioin it would be possible to add download resume possibilites and the like
* @param array $pFileHash Basically the same has as returned by the load function
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pParamHash['errors'] will contain reason for failure
function treasury_theme_download( &$pFileHash ) {
$ret = treasury_default_download( $pFileHash );
return $ret;
* Nuke data in tables when content is removed
* @param array $pParamHash The contents of TreasuryItem->mInfo
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $pParamHash['errors'] will contain reason for failure
function treasury_theme_expunge( &$pParamHash ) {
$ret = treasury_default_expunge( $pParamHash );
return $ret;
this plugin requires some additional functions for handling the uploaded archives
{code source=PHP title="Additional functions not strictly necessary"}
* Extract style_info/preview.<ext> for theme icon
* @param array $pPath Path to extracted archive
* @access public
* @return Path to preview image on success, FALSE on failure
function treasury_theme_get_preview( $pPath ) {
static $ret;
if( $dh = opendir( $pPath ) ) {
while( FALSE !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ) {
if( $file != '.' && $file != '..' ) {
if( basename( $pPath ) == "style_info" && is_file( $pPath.'/'.$file ) && preg_match( "/^preview\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/", $file ) ) {
$ret = $pPath.'/'.$file;
} elseif( is_dir( $pPath.'/'.$file ) ) {
treasury_theme_get_preview( $pPath.'/'.$file );
closedir( $dh );
return( !empty( $ret ) ? $ret : FALSE );
* Extract screenshots found in the theme archive
* @param array $pPath Path to extracted archive
* @access public
* @return Path to preview image on success, FALSE on failure
function treasury_theme_get_screenshots( $pPath ) {
static $ret;
if( $dh = opendir( $pPath ) ) {
while( FALSE !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ) {
if( $file != '.' && $file != '..' ) {
if( preg_match( "/^screenshot\d*.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/i", $file ) ) {
$ret[] = $pPath.'/'.$file;
} elseif( is_dir( $pPath.'/'.$file ) ) {
treasury_theme_get_screenshots( $pPath.'/'.$file );
closedir( $dh );
return( !empty( $ret ) ? $ret : FALSE );
* Extract icons found in the theme archive
* @param array $pPath Path to extracted archive
* @access public
* @return Path to preview image on success, FALSE on failure
function treasury_theme_get_icons( $pPath, $pIconDir = 'large' ) {
static $ret;
if( $dh = opendir( $pPath ) ) {
while( FALSE !== ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) ) {
if( preg_match( "/^[^\.]/", $file ) ) {
if( basename( $pPath ) == $pIconDir && preg_match( "/\.(png|gif|jpe?g)$/i", $file ) ) {
$ret[] = $pPath.'/'.$file;
} elseif( is_dir( $pPath.'/'.$file ) ) {
treasury_theme_get_icons( $pPath.'/'.$file, $pIconDir );
closedir( $dh );
return( !empty( $ret ) ? $ret : FALSE );
* All the files that have been extracted so far need to be processed and moved around
* @param array $pStoreRow
* @access public
* @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
function treasury_theme_process_extracted_files( $pStoreRow ) {
// if this is a theme, we need to convert the preview image into thumbnails
if( !empty( $pStoreRow['thumb'] ) ) {
$pStoreRow['thumb']['source_file'] = $pStoreRow['thumb']['tmp_name'];
$pStoreRow['thumb']['dest_path'] = $pStoreRow['upload']['dest_path'];
$pStoreRow['thumb']['dest_base_name'] = $pStoreRow['thumb']['name'];
liberty_generate_thumbnails( $pStoreRow['thumb'] );
// if we have screenshots we better do something with them
if( !empty( $pStoreRow['screenshots'] ) ) {
foreach( $pStoreRow['screenshots'] as $key => $sshot ) {
$resizeFunc = liberty_get_function( 'resize' );
$sshot['source_file'] = $sshot['tmp_name'];
$sshot['dest_base_name'] = $sshot['name'];
$sshot['dest_path'] = $pStoreRow['upload']['dest_path'];
$sshot['max_width'] = 400;
$sshot['max_height'] = 300;
$sshot['medium_thumb_path'] = BIT_ROOT_PATH.$resizeFunc( $sshot );
// if we have icons, we should place them somewhere that we can display them
if( !empty( $pStoreRow['icons'] ) ) {
@mkdir( BIT_ROOT_PATH.$pStoreRow['upload']['dest_path'].'icons' );
foreach( $pStoreRow['icons'] as $icon ) {
$dest = BIT_ROOT_PATH.$pStoreRow['upload']['dest_path'].'icons/'.basename( $icon );
if( $icon != $dest ) {
rename( $icon, $dest );
// now that all is done, we can remove temporarily extracted files
if( !empty( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] ) ) {
unlink_r( $pStoreRow['ext_path'] );