The installer will guide you through the upgrade process. Once the upgrade is complete, you can view instructions on what further steps are required below. depending on your setup, you might already be done!
+ |
+! Package Constellation |
+Due to the unnumerable changes, updates and improvements we have decided to modify the included packages in our bitweaver distribution. If you have been using one of the packges we have __not__ included, you can get updated versions here: |
+[] |
+ |
+||~R1 | R2 | Comments |
+ArticlesPackage | ArticlesPackage | |
+BlogsPackage | BlogsPackage | |
+CalendarPackage | CalendarPackage | |
+CategoriesPackage | | This package has been removed in favour of the PigeonholesPackage |
+ChatterboxPackage | | This package was never used much and probably needs a javascript update |
+FisheyePackage | FisheyePackage | |
+GalaxiaPackage | | This is a very specialised package and has to be installed manually if needed or required |
+Gallery2Package | | We now only support FisheyePackage |
+GatekeeperPackage | GatekeeperPackage | |
+HotwordsPackage | | This package isn't used much and we thought we'd keep bitweaver slimmer |
+MessagesPackage | MessagesPackage | |
+MultisitesPackage | | This is a very specialised package and has to be installed manually if needed or required |
+NewslettersPackage | NewslettersPackage | |
+NexusPackage | NexusPackage | |
+PdfPackage | PdfPackage | |
+PhpbbPackage | BoardsPackage | This has been replaced by our inhouse forum package BoardsPackage |
+PigeonholesPackage | PigeonholesPackage | This package was available in R1 as well but now is the only categories package available |
+QuicktagsPackage | QuicktagsPackage | |
+QuotaPackage | QuotaPackage | |
+RssPackage | RssPackage | |
+SearchPackage | SearchPackage | |
+ShoutboxPackage | ShoutboxPackage | |
+SmileysPackage | SmileysPackage | |
+ | StarsPackage | A ratings package that allows users to rate all available content |
+StatsPackage | StatsPackage | |
+StickiesPackage | StickiesPackage | |
+ | TagsPackage | A Package to tag content - similar to categorising but allows everyone to very easily tag content |
+TinymcePackage | FckeditorPackage | The verdict isn't out yet on what WYSIWYG package we'll bundle with bitweaver |
+ | TreasuryPackage | Finally we have a file gallery that ships with bitweaver |
+WikiPackage | WikiPackage | |
+XmlrpcPackage | | We don't have any use for this package and thought we'd remove it until we do || |
! Package specific notes
!! Themes