History of GroupsPackage
^This package is under development and will be built to work with R2^
* Group Administration is available to any group member whether they have permission or not.
* Membership email preferences are not being stored
* Member delete is not good - it points to user administration path which is confusing. needs to stay within pkg.
* Various Admin Controls for Content authoring, messaging, adding files, inviting, message moderation
!Incomplete Features
* Announce Only — Ability to create groups which anybody can read but you must be admin in order to post to it.
* View When Invited — User can view groups they have been invited to and accept or reject the invitation.
* File uploading as attachment to group is not allowed. perhaps it should be - alt is all file attachments must be attached to another content object.
* Jailed attachments - attachment access should be restricted by perms on the group.
!Development Schedule
This schedule contains target dates. We may miss them, or we may get it done sooner.
^Basic Group Creation and Membership: __Jan 30, 2008__
* __DONE__ admin type of group (public/private)
* __DONE__ membership signup and moderation
* __DONE__ group listing within the site
* __DONE__ basic posting of messages to group^
^Content Control and Email Messaging: __February 28, 2008__
* __DONE__ content type selection
* __DONE__ per-content permission control
* uploading files
* __DONE__ membership invitation features
* posting messages by email
* receiving messages by email^
^Group Customization: __March 30, 2008__
* __BUGGY__ assignable permissions to members
* __DONE__ configuration of group home content
* __DONE__ displaying content as within group
* __DONE__ group theming, layout, and language selection^
Groups package is a rather complex package, with complex relationships with other packages. These instructions will help you set up your groups package to optimally work for you install
!!Required Configuration
These settings are required for the groups package to work correctly. Without following these configurations you may experience security and other problems.
* __Run LibertySecure:Register Default Permissions__
+ LibertySecurePackage is designed to properly jail any content that may have custom permissions assigned. Groups package makes use of custom permissions to enable private groups and private group content. To properly jail this content you MUST install the LibertySecure package and in the admin panel run Register Default Permissions when you set up your site, and anytime you install new content types on your site.
!!Highly Recommended Configuration
We highly recommend these settings as well like how Groups package works when configured this way.
* __Hide Groups Choices from User Registration Panel__
+ The Users package lets you display groups users can join at registration time. We recommend disabling this. You can do so in the Users:Login Settings in the Administration panel. It is at the bottom of the list. The UI is a little wonky here - the option to select none is not clear. Select the empty row in the list to display none. The reason we recommend disabling this feature is a) the UI is not well developed; when only one group is available to join the user can not opt out. b) if you have many public groups on your site a very long, and rather annoying, list will be displayed.
!!Group Types
* User Created Groups — Ability for users with the right permission to create a new group.
* Public Groups — Ability to create groups which any site member can subscribe and post to the group.
* Announce Only — Ability to create groups which anybody can read but you must be group admin in order to post to it.
* Private Groups — Ability to create groups which only members can view and require an invitation to join. Private groups are hidden from lists, and all group related content is also automatically private as well. User can view these groups they have been invited to and accept or reject the invitation.
!!Membership Administration
* View Member Control — admins can control if members only can view members or if anyone can view members
!!Group Administration:
* Content Type Selection — group admins can select which content types group members can create/use in their group (blogs, maps, wiki pages, etc)
* Per Content Item Permissions – group admins can designate if content within public content groups is private and public - so that access can be limited on per content item basis
* Message Moderation — admins can moderate messages, including ability to delegate moderation ability to a subset of group members.
* Group Manager Email Blasts — admins can email members directly and privately without posting to the message board
!!Layout and Theming
* Group Layout - the group can customize the display of its home page, choosing to display various content types or messages or a mix. A group can also add additional modules to the left and right columns.
* Group Created Content is displayed as within Group – for example display blog posts created by the group at the groups url.
* Group Theming — each group can select a look and feel for its pages.
* Group Language — each group can be displayed in the language used by the group.
* Comments -> Email — Ability to send comments on the group via Email. Members will be able to opt in or out of receiving such messages.
* Email -> Comments — Ability to send email to comments on the group.
* Files Manager - Central repository of files uploaded to the group
!!Group Administration Roles
*__Can admin group content__
+Group members with this permission can edit and control all content that is part of the group
*__Can create group content__
+Group members with this permission can create content in the group. Content is limited by types of content the group creator has allowed to be created for the group, such as wiki pages or blog posts.
*__Can submit content to group for inclusion__
+Slightly different than creating content, this regulates which users can submit content to the group. @TODO this might get yanked.
*__Can admin group members__
+Group members with this permission can assign rolls to members, and approve or ban memberships.
*__Can send invitations to the group__
+Group members with this permission can invite people to the group. When members are invited they are automatically approved to be members. This permission is useful on private groups which restrict membership.
*__Can view group members__
+Group members with this permission can see a list of who else is in the group.
*__Can admin group forums__
+Group members with this permission can moderate forum messages posted to the group.
*__Can post messages to group forums__
+Group members with this permission can post messages to the group forum. By default this permission is available to all members, but can be useful in creating announcement type groups.
* Group Administration is available to any group member whether they have permission or not.
* Membership email preferences are not being stored
* Member delete is not good - it points to user administration path which is confusing. needs to stay within pkg.
* Various Admin Controls for Content authoring, messaging, adding files, inviting, message moderation
!Incomplete Features
* Announce Only — Ability to create groups which anybody can read but you must be admin in order to post to it.
* View When Invited — User can view groups they have been invited to and accept or reject the invitation.
* File uploading as attachment to group is not allowed. perhaps it should be - alt is all file attachments must be attached to another content object.
* Jailed attachments - attachment access should be restricted by perms on the group.
!Development Schedule
This schedule contains target dates. We may miss them, or we may get it done sooner.
^Basic Group Creation and Membership: __Jan 30, 2008__
* __DONE__ admin type of group (public/private)
* __DONE__ membership signup and moderation
* __DONE__ group listing within the site
* __DONE__ basic posting of messages to group^
^Content Control and Email Messaging: __February 28, 2008__
* __DONE__ content type selection
* __DONE__ per-content permission control
* uploading files
* __DONE__ membership invitation features
* posting messages by email
* receiving messages by email^
^Group Customization: __March 30, 2008__
* __BUGGY__ assignable permissions to members
* __DONE__ configuration of group home content
* __DONE__ displaying content as within group
* __DONE__ group theming, layout, and language selection^
Groups package is a rather complex package, with complex relationships with other packages. These instructions will help you set up your groups package to optimally work for you install
!!Required Configuration
These settings are required for the groups package to work correctly. Without following these configurations you may experience security and other problems.
* __Run LibertySecure:Register Default Permissions__
+ LibertySecurePackage is designed to properly jail any content that may have custom permissions assigned. Groups package makes use of custom permissions to enable private groups and private group content. To properly jail this content you MUST install the LibertySecure package and in the admin panel run Register Default Permissions when you set up your site, and anytime you install new content types on your site.
!!Highly Recommended Configuration
We highly recommend these settings as well like how Groups package works when configured this way.
* __Hide Groups Choices from User Registration Panel__
+ The Users package lets you display groups users can join at registration time. We recommend disabling this. You can do so in the Users:Login Settings in the Administration panel. It is at the bottom of the list. The UI is a little wonky here - the option to select none is not clear. Select the empty row in the list to display none. The reason we recommend disabling this feature is a) the UI is not well developed; when only one group is available to join the user can not opt out. b) if you have many public groups on your site a very long, and rather annoying, list will be displayed.
!!Group Types
* User Created Groups — Ability for users with the right permission to create a new group.
* Public Groups — Ability to create groups which any site member can subscribe and post to the group.
* Announce Only — Ability to create groups which anybody can read but you must be group admin in order to post to it.
* Private Groups — Ability to create groups which only members can view and require an invitation to join. Private groups are hidden from lists, and all group related content is also automatically private as well. User can view these groups they have been invited to and accept or reject the invitation.
!!Membership Administration
* View Member Control — admins can control if members only can view members or if anyone can view members
!!Group Administration:
* Content Type Selection — group admins can select which content types group members can create/use in their group (blogs, maps, wiki pages, etc)
* Per Content Item Permissions – group admins can designate if content within public content groups is private and public - so that access can be limited on per content item basis
* Message Moderation — admins can moderate messages, including ability to delegate moderation ability to a subset of group members.
* Group Manager Email Blasts — admins can email members directly and privately without posting to the message board
!!Layout and Theming
* Group Layout - the group can customize the display of its home page, choosing to display various content types or messages or a mix. A group can also add additional modules to the left and right columns.
* Group Created Content is displayed as within Group – for example display blog posts created by the group at the groups url.
* Group Theming — each group can select a look and feel for its pages.
* Group Language — each group can be displayed in the language used by the group.
* Comments -> Email — Ability to send comments on the group via Email. Members will be able to opt in or out of receiving such messages.
* Email -> Comments — Ability to send email to comments on the group.
* Files Manager - Central repository of files uploaded to the group
!!Group Administration Roles
*__Can admin group content__
+Group members with this permission can edit and control all content that is part of the group
*__Can create group content__
+Group members with this permission can create content in the group. Content is limited by types of content the group creator has allowed to be created for the group, such as wiki pages or blog posts.
*__Can submit content to group for inclusion__
+Slightly different than creating content, this regulates which users can submit content to the group. @TODO this might get yanked.
*__Can admin group members__
+Group members with this permission can assign rolls to members, and approve or ban memberships.
*__Can send invitations to the group__
+Group members with this permission can invite people to the group. When members are invited they are automatically approved to be members. This permission is useful on private groups which restrict membership.
*__Can view group members__
+Group members with this permission can see a list of who else is in the group.
*__Can admin group forums__
+Group members with this permission can moderate forum messages posted to the group.
*__Can post messages to group forums__
+Group members with this permission can post messages to the group forum. By default this permission is available to all members, but can be useful in creating announcement type groups.