db_connectivity() {
tmp=`echo "($exclusions)" | sed 's/\ /\|/g'`
if [ "$exclusions" = "" ]; then
- databases=`$PGBINDIR/psql $PARAM_PGHOST -U $PGUSER -q -c "\l" template1 | sed -n 4,/\eof/p | grep -v rows\) | grep -v : | awk {'print $1'} || echo "Database connection could not be established at $timeinfo" >> $PGLOGDIR`
+ databases=`$PGBINDIR/psql $PARAM_PGHOST -U $PGUSER -q -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false" template1 | sed -n 4,/\eof/p | grep -v rows\) | grep -v : | awk {'print $1'} || echo "Database connection could not be established at $timeinfo" >> $PGLOGDIR` |
- databases=`$PGBINDIR/psql $PARAM_PGHOST -U $PGUSER -q -c "\l" template1 | sed -n 4,/\eof/p | grep -v rows\) | grep -v : | grep -Ev $tmp | awk {'print $1'} || echo "Database connection could not be established at $timeinfo" >> $PGLOGDIR`
+ databases=`$PGBINDIR/psql $PARAM_PGHOST -U $PGUSER -q -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false" template1 | sed -n 4,/\eof/p | grep -v rows\) | grep -v : | grep -Ev $tmp | awk {'print $1'} || echo "Database connection could not be established at $timeinfo" >> $PGLOGDIR` |