History of git
Version 29 | Current version | |
bitweaver is attempting to complete our CVS Migration to the git version control system. We have broken our CVS virtual modules in 150+ individual git repositories. Gitting StartedHere are the steps to git up to speed and begin developing bitweaver on git: 1. Get some Git.There are downloads for all major platforms however, be aware the anything other than the command line on linux is temperamental. Additional notes for using git with windows are being developed here.2. Register on http://github.comLet us know on IRC so we can add you as a collaborator. (BW Admins, there is a script to make this process simpler //WILL - PLEASE PUT SCRIPT SOMEPLACE ON MODELA//3. Clone and GoSince bitweaver is completely modular, the bitweaver.git clone master repository is simply a collection of submodules for each of the packages.For standard read-only access, use:
If you are a developer and need commit access, use:
This will create a 'bitweaver' directory where you are. Follow up with...
That will pull down all of the sub repositories for the directory structure the first clone created. //style and icon sections need to be redirected to the correct subfolders// Create your own bitweaver distroIf you have a custom set of modules, you can create your own master project. Here are the instructions:
Creating a new RepositoryContact a bitweaver admin to create a new repo on github for you.Repository LocationsGithubhttp://github.com/bitweaver/We are going to attempt to keep our code on github. There are is one major problem with Github currently - the lack of decent IRC notification. bitweaver.orgWe have a backup plan if github does not work out. We have our own install running gitosis, which was set up by /nickpalmergit://git.bitweaver.org/ Contact an admin via IRC about getting a public key added. If github continues to suck, we will revert to bitweaver.org which is running gitosis, and we can mirror push'es to github on an update hook. Import concepts in GitSubmodulesThis is the second major stumbling block. Git submodules are similar to virtual modules in CVS. The achilles heal of git submodules is a "git submodule add ..." is tied to a particular commit for the submodule repository.A lesser issue, submodules can only have directories in the current directory, so you have to nest. We cannot do the all-in-one "cvs co bitewaver" like we used to. Stashinghttp://progit.org/book/ch6-3.htmlReference Materialshttp://gitref.org/ | bitweaver completed our CVS Migration to the git version control system. We have broken our CVS virtual modules in 150+ individual git repositories, all of which are hosted on GitHub. Gitting StartedHere are the steps to git up to speed and begin developing bitweaver on git: 1. Get some Git.There are downloads for all major platforms however, be aware the anything other than the command line on linux is temperamental. Additional notes for using git with windows are being developed here.2. Register on http://github.comLet us know on IRC so we can add you as a collaborator. (BW Admins, there is a script to make this process simpler //WILL - PLEASE PUT SCRIPT SOMEPLACE ON MODELA//3. Clone and GoSince bitweaver is completely modular, the bitweaver.git clone master repository is simply a collection of submodules for each of the packages.For standard read-only access, use:
If you are a developer and need commit access, use:
This will create a 'bitweaver' directory where you are. Follow up with...
That will pull down all of the sub repositories for the directory structure the first clone created. //style and icon sections need to be redirected to the correct subfolders// Create your own bitweaver distroIf you have a custom set of modules, you can create your own master project. Here are the instructions:
Creating a new RepositoryContact a bitweaver admin to create a new repo on github for you.Repository LocationsGithubhttp://github.com/bitweaver/We are going to attempt to keep our code on github. There are is one major problem with Github currently - the lack of decent IRC notification. bitweaver.orgWe have a backup plan if github does not work out. We have our own install running gitosis, which was set up by /nickpalmergit://git.bitweaver.org/ Contact an admin via IRC about getting a public key added. If github continues to suck, we will revert to bitweaver.org which is running gitosis, and we can mirror push'es to github on an update hook. Import concepts in GitSubmodulesThis is the second major stumbling block. Git submodules are similar to virtual modules in CVS. The achilles heal of git submodules is a "git submodule add ..." is tied to a particular commit for the submodule repository.A lesser issue, submodules can only have directories in the current directory, so you have to nest. We cannot do the all-in-one "cvs co bitewaver" like we used to. Stashinghttp://progit.org/book/ch6-3.htmlReference Materialshttp://gitref.org/ |