That will pull down all of the sub repositories for the directory structure the first clone created.
//style and icon sections need to be redirected to the correct subfolders//
+ |
+!! Create your own bitweaver distro |
+If you have a custom set of modules, you can create your own master project. Here are the instructions: |
+{code source=bash}mkdir newproject |
+cd newproject |
+git init |
+# add the core set of packages for a minimal bitweaver install |
+for PACKAGE in kernel languages liberty storage themes users util wiki install; do git submodule add git@github.com:bitweaver/$PACKAGE.git; done |
+# initialize all nested submodules (mostly in util) |
+git submodule foreach --recursive git submodule update --init |
+# Create a root level index.php , copy from https://github.com/bitweaver/bitweaver/blob/master/index.php |
+wget https://raw.github.com/bitweaver/bitweaver/master/index.php |
+# setup your own local config package, which typically is included in your master project git repo |
+mkdir config config/kernel/ config/themes config/icons |
+# Create a config bit_setup_inc.php , copy from https://github.com/bitweaver/config/blob/master/bit_setup_inc.php |
+cd config |
+wget https://raw.github.com/bitweaver/config/master/bit_setup_inc.php |
+cd .. |
+git add config index.php |
+git commit -m "initialize super project" -a |
+git submodule add http://github.com/bitweaver/adodb.git config/externals/adodb |
+git submodule foreach --recursive git submodule update --init |
+mkdir temp; chmod 777 temp |
+# add some icons and themes |
+git submodule add git@github.com:bitweaver/theme_bootstrap.git config/themes/bootstrap |
+{/code} |
!Creating a new Repository
Contact a bitweaver admin to [http://help.github.com/creating-a-repo/|create a new repo on github] for you.