History of git
{maketoc}bitweaver is attempting to complete our ((CVS Migration)) to the [http://git-scm.com/|git] version control system. We have broken our CVS virtual modules in 150+ individual git repositories.
!Gitting Started
Here are the steps to git up to speed and begin developing bitweaver on git:
!!1. Get some Git.
There are [http://git-scm.com/download|downloads for all major platforms] however, be aware the anything other than the command line on linux is temperamental.
!!2. Register on [http://github.com]
Let us know on ((IRC)) so we can add you as a collaborator. (BW Admins, there is a script to make this process simpler //WILL - PLEASE PUT SCRIPT SOMEPLACE ON MODELA//
!!3. Clone and Go
{code source=bash}
git clone git@github.com/bitweaver/bitweaver.git
!Repository Locations
We are going to attempt to keep our code on github. There are is one major problem with Github currently - [http://support.github.com/discussions/post-receive-issues/106-cia-hook-has-no-project-options-fear|the lack of decent IRC notification].
Contact an admin via ((IRC)) about getting a public key added.
!Import concepts in Git
!Reference Materials
!Gitting Started
Here are the steps to git up to speed and begin developing bitweaver on git:
!!1. Get some Git.
There are [http://git-scm.com/download|downloads for all major platforms] however, be aware the anything other than the command line on linux is temperamental.
!!2. Register on [http://github.com]
Let us know on ((IRC)) so we can add you as a collaborator. (BW Admins, there is a script to make this process simpler //WILL - PLEASE PUT SCRIPT SOMEPLACE ON MODELA//
!!3. Clone and Go
{code source=bash}
git clone git@github.com/bitweaver/bitweaver.git
!Repository Locations
We are going to attempt to keep our code on github. There are is one major problem with Github currently - [http://support.github.com/discussions/post-receive-issues/106-cia-hook-has-no-project-options-fear|the lack of decent IRC notification].
Contact an admin via ((IRC)) about getting a public key added.
!Import concepts in Git
!Reference Materials