History of git irc bot post-commit script
After doing much digging around for the git equivalent of the [http://pythonwise.blogspot.com/2009/05/subversion-irc-bot.html|svn irc bot], a kind strange on irc.freenode.net/#git told me about the [http://tools.suckless.org/ii/|ii irc client].
# Download, compile, and install the ii irc bot
# Have ii start up on boot and join your desired channel. When ii starts up, it will create directories and pipe files in the current working directory. For example, if you run ii as the git user in /home/git, you can add this to your __/etc/rc.local__:{code source=bash}su -c "ii -s irc.example.com" - git
echo "/j #foobar" > /home/git/irc/irc.example.com/in{/code}
# Edit your __post-receive__ or __post-commit__ in repo.git/hooks (or repo/.git/hooks) depending on how you want to setup your notifications. Be sure to chmod with proper exec perms (e.g. 770 or ug+x). Example post-receive: {code source=bash}#!/bin/sh
echo "---- git `hostname` push received ----" > /home/git/irc/#foobar/in
git log -1 --name-status > /home/git/irc/irc.example.com/#foobar/in{/code}
# Download, compile, and install the ii irc bot
# Have ii start up on boot and join your desired channel. When ii starts up, it will create directories and pipe files in the current working directory. For example, if you run ii as the git user in /home/git, you can add this to your __/etc/rc.local__:{code source=bash}su -c "ii -s irc.example.com" - git
echo "/j #foobar" > /home/git/irc/irc.example.com/in{/code}
# Edit your __post-receive__ or __post-commit__ in repo.git/hooks (or repo/.git/hooks) depending on how you want to setup your notifications. Be sure to chmod with proper exec perms (e.g. 770 or ug+x). Example post-receive: {code source=bash}#!/bin/sh
echo "---- git `hostname` push received ----" > /home/git/irc/#foobar/in
git log -1 --name-status > /home/git/irc/irc.example.com/#foobar/in{/code}