sylvie's Blog

Created by: sylvie, 15 May 2006 (14:15 UTC)
Last modified: 31 Aug 2006 (09:54 UTC)


By sylvie
Thursday, August 31, 2006
getContentList is already calling the service content_list_sql_function and do a loop for each object to have complementary information

To have getContentList to be able to filter not only on information in the content table but also on infomation on the foreign object and to be able to give back information not only from the content table but from the foriegn object

Call example:
$hashmax_records>'max_records' = -1;
$hashoffset>'offset' = 0;
$hashpigeonholes>'pigeonholes' = array(316,334); //…

sequence and auto

By sylvie
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
From irc

(18:14:08) Evolution: stupid question, but I'm working on a new plugin for bw, and I'm trying to wrap my mind around everything in the sample package.
(18:14:44) Evolution: in the admin/, why is the sequences statement commented out, and what is its purpose?
(18:15:00) Evolution: it's not commented out in other modules, like blogs or fisheye.
(18:17:28) Hash9: I think it gives a cross database way of using a auto_number type feild, where you can get the next number…

safe mode on / open_base_dir

By sylvie
Thursday, June 01, 2006
When safe mode is on
chown -R your_user:apache_group * (except for temp/ and storage/)

For the openbasedir
Bw opens :
/tmp - need to be in the open_basedir
/proc/loadavg - if not in your open_basedir, no load statistics will be produced
/proc/stat - the adodb stat ... not sure what happens if not in the open_basedir
/var/tmp/file.tar.gz - mail attachment... not sure what happens if not
the session_path doesn't need to be in your open_basedir (But be sure it is a directory and not…

Moving bw in another directory

By sylvie
Monday, June 05, 2006
If you need to move an already installed bw in another directory don't forget to change BIT_ROOT_URL in kernel/config_inc.php

The package I am currently developping is suddenly desactivated

By sylvie
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
When you are working on a new package, if your package gets desactivated after going in the admin panel , it can be because there are some tables described in the package/admin/schema_inc.php that are not created in the database.
Create these tables and insert in kernel_config the line
package_yourPackage, yourPackage, y

How to add a pagination to an object list

By sylvie
Friday, May 26, 2006
In getList function, be sure to call

::prepGetList$pParamHash );
LibertyContent::postGetList$pParamHash );

In the php, be sure to pass to smarty

->assign_by_ref'listInfo'$_REQUEST['listInfo'] );

In the tpl, use


Bitweaver layout

By sylvie
Saturday, May 27, 2006

pma and mysql

By sylvie
Monday, May 15, 2006
There are my pma settings for bwHead. It helps a lot to understand the bw schema with mysql

INSERT INTO `pma_relation` VALUES ('bwHead', 'liberty_comments', 'content_id', 'bwHead', 'liberty_content', 'content_id');
INSERT INTO `pma_relation` VALUES ('bwHead', 'liberty_attachments', 'content_id', 'bwHead', 'liberty_content', 'content_id');
INSERT INTO `pma_relation` VALUES ('bwHead', 'liberty_comments', 'parent_id', 'bwHead', 'liberty_content', 'content_id');
INSERT INTO `pma_relati…