More Tiny Functionality
posted by Ted Corriveau on 01 Jun 2006 (17:20 UTC)
Sorry it took so long to post my findings, but I've been testing a few different variations of alterations to the header_inc.tpl. This file contains information that drives the TinyMCETML WYSIWYG editor for all your site posts.

For starters, have you noticed that many posts will not allow you to change the color, font face, or size of your fonts (besides the default heading setting)? This is because these sections were left out of the TinyMce code which I endeavour to help fix.

The Process:

This file adds the following functionality to the TinyMCE format box.

This is not the extent of what TinyMCE can offer, but it seems to be a great start to upgrading the experience without breaking the curent theme coding in bitweaver. Since I'm not much of a coder, I do my best to make life easier for myself and my users, and will continue to try to improve on the experience. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask them, or e-mail me.

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