Categories: A Top Proposal
posted by SEWilco on 16 Dec 2004 (10:18 UTC)
(:arrow:)Don't make TOP be the parent of global Categories.
(:idea:) The parent of global Categories should be "Categories".
When package Categories is installed, by default the content-generating packages should get a top-level category by the same name. So top categories may be be Blog, Categories, Forums, FAQ, and Wiki.

It then becomes trivial for "Categories" to provide global structure, and for all other content types (Blog,Wiki,Gallery) to have their own category trees for local structure. If both global and package categories have been defined, two category selection options may be available.

Administration of Categories and/or admin of packages should be able to change names or visibility of top-level categories. So if a site uses a Wiki to create content but the public users only view the pages, the "Wiki" category might have a name fitting the theme.

The cost is probably a SELECT from the database to get the children of TOP, then most of the current code which checks for parent TOP will instead check if the parent is in that "top children" list. Or else before displaying a category its parentage will be checked instead of checking for TOP after showing the category.

The difference between a Wiki Category and Structures then needs to be examined. Perhaps the capabilities can be merged.

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