Forward motion
posted by Jerry Russell on 23 Mar 2006 (18:28 UTC)
As you've probably noticed by now, bitweaver 1.3 has been released. that's great news on a lot of fronts, especially with the addition of the Newsletter package, Now bitweaver finally has all of the functionality I needed at my new site.

Drop a comment here if you enjoyed the article, it's the first litte piece of assistance I've given on the project, and I feel good about it.

As for the strange ICQ formatting error I mentioned in my last entry, I know where it is and what's causing it, but now I've got a different issue to contend with first.

What issue, you ask? Well, to put it simply, if you've set up phpBB correctly for use inside bitweaver, "You can't enter an ICQ number!"

At this point I'm left wondering how the blazes those numbers ever made it in to the forum system to start with. Oh, I'm going to get the cvs release and fix the layout issue, but then I'm going after how to get a bit better integration between bitweaver and phpBB.

The perfect soulution IMHO would be to check whether phpBB is installed, then if so, grab some of the profile information fields from the phpBB data tables (if it exists) and display it in the standard bw user fields.

If it doesn't exist, just show blank entry spaces, and if the information is entered by the user (MSN, YIM, ICQ, etc. ad nauseum for whatever fields we decide), add it into the phpBB table for storage against the user account.

The other method would be to add corresponding fields to the bw database, then use those fields to populate phpBB's on login. Either way, sounds like a challenge... We'll see how I do once I finish fixing the first lil' glitch

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