Wonky Fisheye behavior

by Jerry Russell
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Posted to Widblown's Drift
This is just a little update on what I've been doing personally over the past few weeks. I plan to dig in and lay out some credit where due to all of the talented dev's working on this project in the next few days.

I've been doing a lot of mucking around inside the HEAD code lately, and aside from a little mishap with dreamweaver 8, I've managed to fix one or two little things. It's nice to know I've done something positive in getting this thing rolling in a good way.

My latest work has been in the FisheyePackage, just trying to get things like pagination and thumbnailing to work properly with the gd library. Hosting BitWeaver in a shared environment seems to help out in the development project, since those of us who do run into some pretty strange server configurations that aren't present for someone running their own server.

One of the first things I noticed was that original images were'nt displayed. Clicking the link got me the default error page for a "Permission Denied" message. A bit of Googling turned up that this is fairly common in a shared environment, and the workaround wasn't too difficult to implement. That problem is repaired (For GD ONLY, I don't have access to image magik) in the R1 and HEAD cvs, if you've had the same issue. Finding the routines that needed tweaking took me deep into LibertyPackage, which is just a hair daunting for someone with as little php experience as I have, but the changes were simple enough once I found the functions in question.

There seems to be an issue with the "previous|next" pagination when a gallery is added to a pigeonholesPackage category. The navigation only works when/if it wants to at that point, but seems not to manifest itself at all in any other case. Let's just add that to the ever increasing to-do list...

For now, I'm off to get as much info on recent changes as possible.

Happy Coding
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