A few probably simple questions


A few probably simple questions

Posted:14 Sep 2008 (19:28 UTC)
Hi, I just moved to bitweaver(2.1rc4) from tikiwiki(latest) and it seems to be so much better. Though I have a few hopefully simple questions.

1.)I'm using only fckeditor, i can insert external links, but I can't figure out how to insert wiki links. I'm sure it's so simple that it's almost funny (:biggrin:)

2.)Still a fckeditor related question - can I somehow resize table cells with just simple mouse dragging(I could do that in tikiwiki)? This one is not so important, I have found out that i can resize cells through rightmouse click.

3.)When I go to edit mode, I get only very tiny edit window (unless I go fullscreen). Is there a way how to change this?

4.)In my current theme (cascader grey), i have a layout where content is on the left and navigation on the right. It seems that Navigation part is unnecessarily wide. Is there a simple way how to make the Content part wider and Navigation part narrower?

5.)In tikiwiki there was this nice button in fckeditor "Show blocks". I guess you willknow what it does, but in short it would show you some kind of schematic view on your page - where one block of text starts, where another starts and things like that. Can I have it in bitweaver somehow? (:smile:)

6.) Is there some simple way how to insert image from image gallery to wiki text (through fckeditor)? If not, what's the best not-so-simple way?

7.) Is there a relatively simple way how to create new style (for fckeditor)?

8.) Is there some repository of bitweaver2 themes (other than those default)? I tried google, but didn't found much. This one is again not very important.

Joined: 29 Aug 2008

Re: A few probably simple questions

Posted:14 Sep 2008 (22:35 UTC)
> 1.)
> insert wiki links

Wiki links is one of the few plugins that you can use with FCKeditor. Enable it in Liberty > Plugins > Filter. Another useful filter is table of contents (maketoc), that you can use in FCKeditor, once enabled in Liberty settings.

> 2.)
> resize table cells with just simple mouse dragging

That should be a FCKeditor feature, unrelated to Bitweaver. Not sure which editor Tikiwiki uses. You could also give TinyMCE a try.

> 3.)
> very tiny edit window

Go to Admin > FCKeditor Settings and enable "Custom config file". Then copy the file /fckeditor/fckconfig.bitweaver.js to: /themes/styles/nameofyourstyle/fckeditor/fckconfig.custom.js. This file can now be edited to your needs (and will survive any kinds of updates). To control the height of the edit window, you'd have to find the correct settings somewhere in the forum/webpage of FCKeditor. Check threads like this fckeditor.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7371

You could also copy /fckeditor/header_inc.tpl to /themes/styles/nameofyourstyle/fckeditor/ and paste something like oFCKeditor.Height = 400; below line 6 (after the function starts).

(Copying everything that is going to be edited to your style's directory is a basic approach here. Not sure if that's how Tikiwiki handles it. The advantage is that your changes survive updates, and that you can always just apply a different style to start from scratch or debug and stuff like that. Actually, you'd have to copy the directory cascader to mynewstyle first, and in there change cascader.css to mynewstyle.css accordingly. Then choose "mynewstyle" in Admin > Themes > Themes Manager and you are on the right way.)

> 4.)
> way how to make the Content part wider and Navigation part narrower

There is no way that does not involve CSS editing. You could pick a theme that uses percentages VS pixels for column widths, in which cases the widths would either be adapting to the user's window, which could make the content area relatively wide, or fixed to a certain ammount of pixels, which would keep the navigation area relatively narrow.

> 6.)
> insert image from image gallery to wiki text (through fckeditor)

Bitweaver comes with a FCKeditor plugin attachment to make it easy to insert images. Might not be enabled by default. It must be included somehow, there's a standard way to do this for FCKeditor plugins. It's this one /fckeditor/jscripts/editor/plugins/attachment/. Ah there is also an attachment called dragresizetable, and also autogrow (grows and shrinks the textbox automatically to fit the input). These might help with 2. and 3.

> 7.)
> way how to create new style (for fckeditor)

For the actual design you'd have to consult FCKeditor's website. To control the appearance of the toolbar, edit /themes/styles/nameofyourstyle/fckeditor/fckconfig.custom.js

> 8.) repository of bitweaver2 themes

There are almost no official and complete Bitweaver themes available. You find a few more in /downloads/gallery/1916 - but quite outdated. If you do choose one of them and update them in the process, feel free to upload fresh versions to that gallery. This would be very nice. There are also some more in the CVS repository which you could browse, but they are also quite outdated, which is why they've been removed from the official release.

Not sure what you mean in #5. Maybe some screenshots would help to make it clear. See http://www.bitweaver.org/wiki/Live+Support for links to image dump sites. Also there are several ways to tackle stuff like your FCKeditor setup. If nobody else posts more helpful info, you could post back here describing which kind of solution you were trying to go for, in order to get more accurate help.
Joined: 29 Aug 2008

Re: A few probably simple questions

Posted:15 Sep 2008 (07:05 UTC)
I got some memory back now. I understood what you mean by 'show blocks'. It's an internal setting of FCKeditor. Tikiwiki might have pulled more of those to the admin screen then Bitweaver has. It's very convinient to write them yourself though. What I said before about the location of the custom files was wrong. So again in the right order:

1. Admin > FCKeditor Settings > enable "Custom config file"
2. copy /fckeditor/fckconfig.bitweaver.js to /fckeditor/fckconfig.custom.js
3. open that file fckconfig.custom.js

Now you can insert all the options documented here:

This would be an example of a very cool (ehem) fckconfig.custom.js:


FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'attachment' ) ;
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'autogrow' ) ;
FCKConfig.Plugins.Add( 'dragresizable' ) ;

FCKConfig.BodyId = 'fck_body';
FCKConfig.BodyClass = 'fck';
//FCKConfig.StylesXmlPath = '/themes/styles/name-of-my-style/fckeditor/fckstyles.xml' ;
FCKConfig.StartupShowBlocks = true ;

FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Advanced"] = [

As you can see, with simple lines like FCKConfig.Plugins.Add(something) and FCKConfig.Something=Something which you take from FCKeditor's doc wiki, you can set every little detail.

And in your style's CSS file, you just add the following line to control the initial height of the edit area. Eventhough, with the autoresize plugin, it might not even be as necessary anymore:


/* fck */
iframe#edit___Frame    {min-height:333px}


Re: A few probably simple questions

Posted:15 Sep 2008 (11:56 UTC)
Thanks, I didn't hope for such a great answer. I now almost solved all my little problems. I have a few additional questions if someone would find some time to help.

1.) wiki link is absolutely ok, thanks. Not being unsatisfied, just curious, in tikiwiki there was a button in fck edtior for wiki links. After clicking it, menu with wiki pages poped up and I could simply select a link where selected part of text would link. Can I turn this on in bitweaver? But again, really not that important, ((...)) works.

4.) I tried to search in css of my theme/style (cascader), but couldn't find parameter which would modify the width of Content part or one which would make the navigation part narrower. Any ideas?

5.) FCKConfig.StartupShowBlocks = true ; yes this is exactly what I had in mind. But I would like to have it as button in fckedtior to turn it on and off whenever I need

6.) Now I have "Insert Image" button in fckeditor. What/where should i configure to get Icon instead of a text button? (even if I have to make my own icon)
Another thing - when I insert an image through this button as a link (no upload) and this link will be from image gallery in wiki, it will be just a link, it will not upload image again (so it will not be in wiki database or where 2 times), right?

7.) With style for fckeditor I mean style of formating of the text. Now by default there are styles like "Red Title", "Marker: Yellow", "Big", "Small", "Typewriter". I would like to have one where the whole line is filled with color.

9.) Is it possible to update fckedtior by myself or this should happen just with updates of bitweaver? Even if possible, should I do it if I'm quite new to all these wiki/php things (we will be using only fckedtior).
Joined: 15 Mar 2004

Re: A few probably simple questions

Posted:15 Sep 2008 (13:27 UTC)
> 1.)
> wiki pages poped up

Not in Bitweaver yet.

> 4.) theme/style (cascader)
> parameter which would modify the width of Content
> part or one which would make the navigation part narrower.

This CSS is selected by the admin in Admin > Themes > Themes Manager > Style Layout. These are the basic 40 layouts Bitweaver offers. As soon as you choose one, the concurrent file /themes/layouts/gala_N.css is referenced in the database. To have your own layout, the best approach is to find a layout to start with, and copy it's content in your theme's CSS. (Again, just to make sure, in general it's recommended to start your own style by copying an existing one.) So, if you like the Layout Number 17, paste the contents of /themes/layouts/gala_17.css at the end (or beginning) of the file /themes/styles/yourstyle/yourstyle.css and edit away. In Admin > Themes > Themes Manager > Style Layout choose "remove" at the button, so that no selected layout interferes with your own CSS.

> 5.) FCKConfig.StartupShowBlocks = true
> as button in fckedtior to turn it on and off

Hm, I see. Bitweaver doesn't have that yet. Maybe you could look how it's done in Tikiwiki and add it to the FCKeditor package.

> 6.)
> "Insert Image" button in fckeditor.
> Icon instead of a text button?

There is line 29 in /fckeditor/jscripts/editor/plugins/attachment/fckplugin.js where a button is commented out (wouldn't show up by simply uncommenting it), so that feature is missing as of yet. Seems like work in progress.

> insert an image through this button
> will not upload image again

That's correct, you won't upload it twice.

> 7.)
> style of formating of the text.

Ah ok. Still, follow the same steps like above. In my code example of /fckeditor/fckconfig.custom.js there is a commented line FCKConfig.StylesXmlPath = '/themes/styles/name-of-my-style/fckeditor/fckstyles.xml'; - uncomment that and fill in the correct path. Then copy fckstyles.xml from your FCKeditor package to that place. In this file the styles are made. There is also another way through Javascript settings documented somewhere on FCKeditor's homepage.

> 9.) Is it possible to update fckedtior by myself

It's not a problem to do so. If something doesn't work you can simply put the original folder back in place. There are a few files in that folder that are Bitweaver-sepcific, but if you download FCKeditor and compare folder-to-folder with the directory tree of Bitweaver's FCKeditor package, you'll see it's pretty uncomplicated. There are no database settings to make and no PHP to write as far as I remember. Just copying the right files to the right places.

Re: A few probably simple questions

Posted:15 Sep 2008 (15:30 UTC)
4.) Worked like charm, thanks
5.) This one was really easy (:smile:) - all I had to do is add 'ShowBlocks' to my button configuration. Now I can turn on and off show blocks anytime i want.

Last little problem is with point 7.) "FCKConfig.StylesXmlPath = '/themes/styles/name-of-my-style/fckeditor/fckstyles.xml" doesn't seem to load that custom .xml . Maybe because of folder structure it needs equivalent of this kind of path "../themes/styles/name-of-my-style/fckeditor/fckstyles.xml"?
But anyway, I can edit directly fckstyles.xml in fckedtior folder.
Any idea how to create a style which looks like this:

The word "List" is the text itself, I would like to have that background line of specific color as style.

Thanks again
Joined: 15 Mar 2004

Re: A few probably simple questions

Posted:15 Sep 2008 (19:05 UTC)


<style name="That Background (Inline)" element="span">
  <attribute name="class" value="that-bg" />
<style name="That Background (Block)" element="div">
  <attribute name="class" value="that-bg" />


span.that-bg {background:#5a6c70}
div.that-bg {background:#5a6c70}

(not tested)

Re: A few probably simple questions

Posted:15 Sep 2008 (20:25 UTC)
Thanks so much, but it doesn't seem to work. Those styles don't even show up in the style rollout of fckedtior. If I remove some default styles, they dissaper from the style rollout. Don't have idea what's going on. (I have cleared bitweaver system cache and browser cache)

While I'm at it, i will probably push my luck with these stupid noob questions (:neutral:) and ask one more thing. Can you direct me to where i could make this empty space on image smaller?

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Joined: 08 Feb 2004

Aw: Re: A few probably simple questions

Posted:15 Sep 2008 (21:36 UTC)
Change formlabel and forminput css styles. The are defined in themes/base.css to appear as you see above. Change them both in your theme to be {text-align:left;display:block;margin:0;padding:0} etc...
Joined: 15 Mar 2004

Re: A few probably simple questions

Posted:16 Sep 2008 (17:00 UTC)
If it's only the edit area that should be wider,
as of a few days (in CVS), this is also possible:


/* fck */
div.row.rt-edit div.formlabel     {display:none}
div.row.rt-edit div.forminput     {margin-left:0;padding:2em}

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