question on USER package and NEXUS menu


question on USER package and NEXUS menu

Posted:05 Jun 2008 (06:10 UTC)
hi, i have to questions (i use R2):
1) i want to use in the user package the two functions "send an email after registration" and "after registration url". i checked the email option and set the url to boards/index.php (want message board to be the after registration url) but both doesn't work ( and yes i saved the settings ;-) any idea?

2) i use a nexus menu as main menu. i can set a menu-entry on a single image gallery. is it possible to set a menu-entry on the list of galleries?

thx for your help!
Joined: 15 Mar 2004

Re: question on USER package and NEXUS menu

Posted:07 Jun 2008 (17:33 UTC)
In Nexus, you can use any link for a menu entry, so you could paste /fisheye/list_galleries.php or if you renamed fisheye /thatname/list_galleries.php for a listing of all galleries that the current user is allowed to see.
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