Low memory in MacOS 10.5.4 blocking Bitweaver Install

Scott Baxter
Joined: 26 Aug 2008

Low memory in MacOS 10.5.4 blocking Bitweaver Install

Posted:26 Aug 2008 (01:45 UTC)
Running Leopard 10.5.4 with as supplied Apache2 and PHP5. PHP5 is enabled, and php.ini edited to reserve 128 M memory. System memory is 2 GB with 1 GB free. PHP -i command validates that the memory setting is read. Bitweaver install does not believe it and still tells me I need more memory. I can not install Bitweaver now. I had installed Bitweaver successfully under OSX 10.4 using compiled from source Apache2 and PHP, but I want to stick to the Apache and PHP that came with Leopard. Any ideas?

Re: Low memory in MacOS 10.5.4 blocking Bitweaver Install

Posted:31 Aug 2008 (19:30 UTC)
I sacrificed a chicken and it cleared up somehow. don't ask how.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2004

Re: Low memory in MacOS 10.5.4 blocking Bitweaver Install

Posted:22 Nov 2008 (22:50 UTC)
perhaps you forgot to reboot apache... and eventually caused a restart.
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