change server location

Dan Carmeli

change server location

Posted:03 Feb 2009 (17:20 UTC)

I just installed my package. I foresee wanting to change the directory in which all the files are stored on my server. I remember during the installation process that I had to indicate what directory it was installed in, which is why I am wary of just moving all the files. Do I have to make an administrative change or can I just move the files?

Joined: 15 Mar 2004

Re: change server location

Posted:04 Feb 2009 (13:48 UTC)
You need to change define( 'BIT_ROOT_URL', 'oldirectory' ); to the new directory, in /kernel/config_inc.php. And, if set there, also $gTempDir (to the new temp dir).

This should be it - but if there are errors, search for the name of you old directory in your database. Maybe there's some temp folder setting or root folder setting which also needs to be changed.
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