anybody using quantcast metrics ?


anybody using quantcast metrics ?

Posted:06 Mar 2009 (03:18 UTC)
When I inserted the javascript provided by quantcast in top or bottom page or even in a custom module I am getting the smarty template error.

Did anybody tried this ?
Joined: 15 Mar 2004

Re: anybody using quantcast metrics ?

Posted:06 Mar 2009 (04:50 UTC)
If you want somebody to be able to help you:
1. Clarify what Quantcast's Javascript is, or where to find it, or where you used it (links).
2. Describe what you did.
3. Describe what you thought would happen.
4. Describe what did happen.
5. Post the actual error.

Re: anybody using quantcast metrics ?

Posted:07 Mar 2009 (18:13 UTC)

You are right.

The js provided by quantcast

<script type="text/javascript">

error I am getting

Fatal error: Smarty error: in evaluated template line 3: syntax error: unrecognized tag:

qacct:"p-0c8MIx9-DqpPQ" (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 450) in

/home/....../public_html/bitweaver/util/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1092

Re: anybody using quantcast metrics ?

Posted:07 Mar 2009 (23:15 UTC)
Never mind..I was able to resolve the issue by adding
{literal} and {/literal} before and after the javascript function.

It worked.

Modified code


<script type="text/javascript">
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