Assigning master page to category

Helge Karl
Joined: 13 May 2005

Assigning master page to category

Posted:05 Apr 2007 (14:48 UTC)

I've been puzzling a little with Bitweaver version 2.0.0 pre for som days, updated the ygg theme (I should commit it after some testing) and trying out a coupple of things.

There seams to have been some tidy up's with the css shema since 1.x, and to the better.

I've been playing with the pigeonholes package to see if it could be used as a navigation system and to a certain degree it works very well, so you have done a great job with this package xing. There is though one thing I think that would make it work even better. Let me line out how it works in my setup right now and what I believe can solve it.

Right now it rightfully shows the path to the content if content has been asigned to a category. It can show several paths if the content is asigned to several categories. The listing structure is nice, it gives you the three and a list of other content within same category. But when you click in the path you will never get anything else than the category listing from pigeonhole when the intuitive would be that there is showing up some content as well, like preview of recent entries or a master page to that category. Of course it is not always wanted to present content beside listing the category structure of category with siblings, children, grandchildren, etc.

Look here for an illustration/screenshot:

A good solution would therefore be if when creating/editing a category, there is an aditional content selection for what I would call "assign master content to this category". Such content could be a wiki page, an article, a blog post, etc. or a articles topics list or a liberty run preview list of recent entries. I guess it is only the imagination that hinders the possible.

I liked the pigeonholes package because it was rather quick to use, and when creating content it is quick to assign the content to a proper category as well. The additional functionality I suggest should not break anything, it is only a way to make it even easier to develop a user friendly site both for the editors and the viewers.

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