How to show structurebar in pigeonholes/view.php?

Helge Karl
Joined: 13 May 2005

How to show structurebar in pigeonholes/view.php?

Posted:07 Apr 2007 (18:45 UTC)
I wanted the structurebar to be shown when being within the Pigeonholes package as well and made a minor addition to the pigeonholes/view.php file to make this happen. It worked successfully with the "bitweaver 2.0.0 pre" version.

But when working with the latest version from CVS head it broke, such a pitty.

The pigeonholes/view.php file was changed from

// Display the template

$gBitSystem->display( 'bitpackage:pigeonholes/view_structure.tpl', tra( 'View Pigeonhole' ) );


// Display the template

// Adding navigation path for pigeonholes
global $gContent;
include_once( LIBERTY_PKG_PATH.'lookup_content_inc.php' );
if( is_object( $gContent ) && $gContent->isValid() ) {
$gBitSystem->setBrowserTitle( $gStructure->getRootTitle().' : '.$gContent->getTitle() );
include $gContent->getRenderFile();
} else {
$gBitSystem->fatalError( 'Page cannot be found' );
// End of Adding navigation path for pigeonholes
$gBitSystem->display( 'bitpackage:pigeonholes/view_structure.tpl', tra( 'View Pigeonhole' ) );

A sample of what the additional code made can be seen here. I wonder now if the reason for it not to work is just temporary or if I have to code it differently to make it work in the comming release two. Thankful for answer.

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