bitweaver questions

Joined: 04 May 2007

bitweaver questions

Posted:04 Sep 2007 (09:50 UTC)
1. My bitwevaer-driven website consist of wiki pages. How can I assign one of this pages to url (without /wiki/ )

2. Is it possible to include one wiki page into another (or may be there are better ways for doing sub-menus, applicable to some pages only)

3. Is it safe to migrate from 1.3.1 to 2.0 RC2 ?

4. How can I track changes in wiki pages? It was easy in tiki by tiki-lastchanges.php script, but can't find analogue in bitweaver.
Joined: 15 Mar 2004

Re: bitweaver questions

Posted:04 Sep 2007 (14:20 UTC)
1. one way could be, with an .htaccess file, maybe like this:


RewriteEngine On
Redirect permanent 

2. you can do that by using the data plugin "include":

insert into wiki page:

{INCLUDE page_id=33}

I'm not sure how this would be utilized to generate a menu, though it sure should include one wiki page in another.

3. As always, it's 100% safe if you do a test run on a backup ;)

4. Do you mean something like a page's history? There is a "differences" and "compare" feature in each page history, which itself is some kind of a "last changes" listing. You can also receive an e-mail on every page change (activate this feature in admin -> kernel -> notifications).
Joined: 04 May 2007

Re: bitweaver questions

Posted:13 Sep 2007 (09:14 UTC)
1. Redirect isn't a good solution. I've found another answer -


DirectoryIndex /wiki/mypage
to .htaccess in webserver root directory

and shows mypage without any redirect.

2. INCLUDE plugin can't include wiki links with international characters - ((InternationalWords)) translates into %CF%Nav%67......

4. I know about page history, but this is not suitable for overall users activity monitoring.
In my mind, there are two mandatory tikiwiki features missed - last_changes (allows to quickly check users activity for last 2 days, week,...) and activity log (log of registrations, submissions, edits, ...)
How can I track changes by other users without last_changes feature?
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