History of ReleaseProcess

Differences from version 22 to 33

@@ -2,26 +2,40 @@

 !Change version in code
 # Confirm the release version is correct in __kernel/setup_inc.php__. Commit any changes to CVS as necessary.
-!Create tar.gz file
+!Archive Generation
+^ archive generation has been summarised in the file ~/bin/release_process.sh
+to use it, execute the file and use the new version number as argument:
+e.g.: __. ~/bin/release_process.sh x.y.z__ ^
+we need to generate a number of different archives for different users and requirements.
+!!Create tar.gz file
 # SSH onto packard.bitweaver.org
 # __sudo su - bitweaver__
-# From the Bitweaver home directory and execute the __~/live/install/bitweaver_build.sh bitweaver Rx__ script, where __Rx__ is the release you're building for. This checkouts the latest CVS of BW, cleans it up, and prepares it for distribution.
-# The script creates a weekly build tar file in the Bitweaver home directory. Rename the __bitweaver_bitweaver_wb_yyyyweekww.tar.gz__ file to the appropriate name ie __bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.gz__ where __x__ is the major revision, __y__ is the minor revision and __z__ is the release eg bitweaver_1.0.1.tar.gz
+# From the Bitweaver home directory and execute the __~/live/install/bitweaver_build.sh bitweaver Rx__ script, where __Rx__ is the release you're building for. This checkouts the latest CVS of BW, cleans it up, and prepares it for distribution. (should be possible to us the command: __freshbuild__)
+# The script creates a weekly build tar file in the Bitweaver home directory. Rename the ++yellow:bitweaver_bitweaver_wb_yyyyweekww.tar.gz++ file to the appropriate name ie ~~red:++yellow:bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.gz++~~ where __x__ is the major revision, __y__ is the minor revision and __z__ is the release eg bitweaver_1.0.1.tar.gz
 # Copy the renamed file to __~/builds__ directory
-!Create zip file
+!!!~~red:Release Test~~
+# download the new file by visiting [http://www.bitweaver.org/builds].
+# extract and install the new version of bitweaver solely following the onscreen instructions and watching for any issues.
+# if issues were found, fix these and restart the ReleaseProcess
+!!Create zip file
 # __mkdir ~/test__ in Bitweaver home directory
 # __tar xvzf bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.gz -C ~/test__ to extract a copy to ''test'' directory
 # __cd ~/test__
 # Create a new zip file, using __zip bitweaver_x.y.z.zip -r bitweaver__
 # Move the file to __~/builds__ directory __mv bitweaver_x.y.z.zip ~/builds/__
-!Create bz2 file
+!!Create bz2 file
 # Create a new bz2 file, using __tar cvjf bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.bz2 bitweaver/__
 # Move the file to __~/builds__ directory __mv bitweaver_x.y.z.tar.bz2 ~/builds/__
-!Create rpm file
+!!Create rpm file
+!!~~red:Archive Testing~~
+# execute the [#ReleaseTest|testing] procedure for all the different archives if possible.
 # Return to the Bitweaver home directory __cd__

@@ -60,6 +74,9 @@

 # Scroll down to __Email Release Notice__
 # Check the __I'm sure__ box
 # Click __Send Notice__
+!!~~red:Final tests~~
+# ensure that the uploads to sourceforge were completed successfully by downloading the files and extracting them. there should be no need for further testing if the testing stages above were executed.
 !CVS tag
 # finally add a __CVS Tag__ by doing: __cvs rtag -r Rx Rxyz bitweaver__ e.g.: cvs rtag -r R1 R103 bitweaver

@@ -67,14 +84,18 @@

 # Annouce on
 ## IRC
-## Forums
 ## Mailing List
-## main page ((bitweaver))
+## [/kernel/admin/index.php?page=custom_modules|custom module]
+## [/forums/posting.php?mode=newtopic&f=3|Forums]
+## [/articles/edit.php|Articles]
+## [/newsletters/edition_edit.php|Newsletter]
 # Revisit MediaBlitz to spread the word
+## If you are too lazy to do the MediaBlitz thing, at least update the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_content_management_systems|wikipedia page]
 # Add upgrade information to bitweaverUpgrade
 # Update the bitweaver release module
-# Make sure Release_1.0 is up to date
-# Edit the file /home/bitweaver/live/bitversion.txt on packard and add appropriate version
+# Update ReleaseSchedule
+# Edit the file __/home/bitweaver/live/bitversion.txt__ on packard and add appropriate version
+# udpate version number in kernel/setup_inc.php to next release number + add beta as release level
 !New Releases
Page History
25 Jan 2006 (22:32 UTC)
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11321
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11320
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11319
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11314
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11313
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Stephan Borg218.214.1.11312
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