!Changes for TikiPro 3.0 - ReleaseClyde

^See the
* SchemaChangelog for alterations to the database schema
* TemplateChangelog for system wide alterations to the templates
* CssChangelog for alterations to the CSS classes^

!! Wishlist / TODO
In descending order of importance:
*test anonymous (guest) actions and beheaviors
*structure & blog permissioning (identical problem)
*phpBB profile integration (Avatar, location etc.)
*Please see forum post: [http://www.tikipro.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=877]
*try and get css dropdown menus working for the application menu and custom menus
*try and allow for custom menus with more than 1 level of children
I'd like to see if this feature can be added!
*convert tikipro to XHTML 1.0 Strict.

!! Changes in FreshBuild
__Changes in last development release.__

!!!xing changes
* Removed link to custom menu pages and we added the NexusPackage to clyde release instead 2005-04-23
!!!spiderr changes
*changes to default groups:
# there can now be multiple "is_default" groups so a user can be added to multiple groups when registering. This is useful when combined with quotas or galaxia roles, etc.
# the users "default group" now works, and it's home page is chosen if that group has one defined
# there is a system tiki_preference for the default group used for the home page if the user is a member of that group and their default group has no home page
*TikiUser::getDisplayUrl is now consistent with the LibertyContent API, and it now supports "override_user_url" (formerly it was override_user_link which was only used in kernel/smarty_tiki/function.displayname.php

!! Changes in Alpha 3

!!!spiderr changes
* Massive permissions clean up that removed 50% of page load queries - see SchemaChangelog for database changes
* Clean up groups admin UI
* Clean up modules UI and groups functionality
* removed wiki/last_changes.php since functionality is duplicate to wiki/list_pages.php

!!!xing changes
* added css driven dropdown menus based on suckerfish - currently avalable for the topbar only. functionality for application menus should be easy as well - see CssChangelog - 2004-12-13
* CSS dropdowns now seem to be working ok for the topbar menu. next, i'll try to convert the side menus to dropdowns as well - 2004-12-19

!! Changes in Alpha 3

!!!xing changes
* added TikiTabs to the system - xing
* improving the way forms display data using various smarty tags for forms (too many to list) - xing
* using above form system and tabs on many (especially admin) form pages - xing
* using overlib for formhelp popups - xing
* major revamp of installer - xing

!!!spiderr changes
* Fix user homepage and profiles - spiderr
* Fixed lots of wiki admin settings - spiderr
* Created {ATTACHMENT} wiki plugin to allow embedding of arbitrary PackageLiberty attachments into blogs - spiderr
* Improved blogs to auto concatenate uploaded image to inline blog post text - spiderr
* Pretty URLs (mod_rewrite based) have been implemented for blogs and users - spiderr
* {displayname} smarty function can take hash= paramter, or separate as user=, real_name=, user_id=, etc. - spiderr
* Installer improvements: prevent destroying stuff on re-install and resetting the admin user so adding packages later is safe. also demand admin login if already installed - spiderr
* tiki_structures was to Liberty from wiki and generalized with content_id's for both schema and code. This is will provide a generalized tree structure for any Liberty content object - spiderr
* Content Types have been moved to the derived classes so they can now completely manage their content types. - spiderr
* cleanup of watches code, however they are still broken, so the checkbox as been temporarily disabled until we get around to fixing it right
* all templates should have be changed from page={$page} to page_id={$pageInfo.page_id}
* PackagePDF - move settings to admin page - so settings are site wide and admin controlled, clean up pdf_lib to be more conformat with a renamed TikiPdf.php class with load/store methods, etc.
* Fix page_history. Was broken everywhere. gutted hist_lib and condensed to 3 functions in TikiPage.

!!!Southpaw(z) changes
* phpBB 2.0.10 upgraded from 2.0.6 -Southpawz
* phpBB 2.0.10 upgrade to 2.0.11 - Southpawz
* Created {mm src=} wiki plugin to allow embedding of freemind files (freemind.sf.net) -- Note: You must download the freemind viewer .jar yourself and add it to the directory ../mindmap/ in the root TP dir.
Page History
18 Jun 2006 (15:16 UTC)
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