History of PhpBBPackage

Version 3


Details about the phpBB package in TikiPro

Created by: spiderr, Last modification: 10 Nov 2004 (16:39 UTC) by spiderr
The amazing phpBB bulletin board application has been integrated into TikiPro. The goal of the integration was to make as *few* modifications to the phpBB source. In fact, there are only _9 small edits_ that make the integration possible.

A "loose integration"

This technique of the fewest possible edits has been called a "loose integration". This means the source stays as pristine as possible so all of the existing mods and themes still work. This also means that multiple user tables are maintained, however our integration handles updating of usernames, email, and passwords automatically.

(:arrow:) All changes to the phpBB source were wrapped with TIKI_MOD comments. Search for those to see all the modifications that were made.
Page History
11 Apr 2007 (13:59 UTC)
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