History of NexusPackage

Differences from version 10 to 15

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-Nexus is a ((Package)) that works closely with the ((LibertyPackage)) and makes it is easy to create ((menu))s pointing to any content in bitweaver, or any external URL. Nexus works with other tools in bitweaver to help users ((navigate)) the site, including the ((wiki book)) feature, ((breadcrumbs)), ((categories)), ((backlinks)), and other special ((modules))
+!Nexus Menus
+Nexus is a ((Package)) that works closely with the ((LibertyPackage)) and makes it is easy to create menus pointing to any content in bitweaver, or any external URL. Nexus works with other tools in bitweaver to help users navigate the site.
 __Find nexus at:__ http://yoursitename.com/nexus/menus.php
-Nexus will create functional links to all internal and external content; all you have to do is enter the correct content id, structure id or path. External links are rendered with a special class (.external) which makes it easy to control their appearance with a particular ((CSS)) style.
+Nexus will create functional links to all internal and external content; all you have to do is enter the correct content id, structure id or path. External links are rendered with a special class (.external) which makes it easy to control their appearance with a particular CSS style.
 ^__Help revise this package__ Nexus is still under development. If after testing nexus you have some feedback on the usability or the features please don't hesitate to add them to the end of the page or leave a comment.^
-!!Three menu types
-Nexus supports three types of menus, which can variously appear in the ((top bar)) or in ((modules)) in the left or right columns.
+!! Available plugins
+Nexus supports three types of menus, which can variously appear in the top bar or in modules in the left or right columns.
 *__Suckerfish menus:__ These CSS driven dropdown menus change to keep up with the various themes in use within the site.
 *__Formelement menus:__ This is a menu that resides in a dropdown box and upon selecting a given option, it takes you to that page.
 *__TikiWiki menus:__ Allows you to create collapsible menus reminiscent of ((tikiwiki)) style. The main difference is, that you can create a menu as many levels deep as you desire.
-!!Create a horizontal menu in the top bar.
-A customized horizontal "menu bar" whose look and feel is controlled by the site's CSS can be created with or without dropdowns. Only the suckerfish style menu can be used horizontally.
+!! Create a horizontal menu in the top bar.
+A customized horizontal "menu bar" whose look and feel is controlled by the site's CSS can be created with or without dropdowns.
 Steps to create a custom horizontal menu.
-1. Ensure that the theme you are using supports a horizontal menu in the top bar. If you don't see one already (a horizontal menu exists by default in all themes that support one), goto yoursite.com/themes/admin/admin_themes_manager.php and pick a different theme.
-2. Pop inot nexus to create a new menu. Goto yoursite.com/nexus/index.php and fill out the name and description, choose suckerfish horizontal, and save.
-3. Upon saving, You should be directed to yoursite.com/nexus/menu_items.php?menu_id=1 (or some small number) where you can start adding items to your menu. Use the filter if you like to sort the available content. If you select internal content, all the other required fields will be filled automatically and you can save right away. Saving reloads the page so you can add more content.
-4. A list of the content added to the menu is generated at the bottom of the screen, and hopefully, the menu items are indeed appearing in the top horizontal menu, in addition to those already there. Add all the menu items you want (whether they will ultimately be collapsed under one of the other headings or not) because you can sort them after.
-5. Sort the menu items at /nexus/menu_sort.php?menu_id=1&tab=organise (__bug:__ there is no immediate link to this page from the last one, nor back again, and if you use your back button, you will probably add a page twice.)
-6. The next time you go to /nexus/index.php unfortunately it seems to hit a __bug:__.
+!!! bitweaver version 1
+# Ensure that the theme you are using supports a horizontal menu in the top bar. If you don't see one already (a horizontal menu exists by default in all themes that support one), goto yoursite.com/themes/admin/admin_themes_manager.php and pick a different theme.
+# Pop inot nexus to create a new menu. Goto yoursite.com/nexus/index.php and fill out the name and description, choose suckerfish horizontal, and save.
+# Upon saving, You should be directed to yoursite.com/nexus/menu_items.php?menu_id=1 (or some small number) where you can start adding items to your menu. Use the filter if you like to sort the available content. If you select internal content, all the other required fields will be filled automatically and you can save right away. Saving reloads the page so you can add more content.
+# A list of the content added to the menu is generated at the bottom of the screen, and hopefully, the menu items are indeed appearing in the top horizontal menu, in addition to those already there. Add all the menu items you want (whether they will ultimately be collapsed under one of the other headings or not) because you can sort them after.
+# Sort the menu items at /nexus/menu_sort.php?menu_id=1&tab=organise (__bug:__ there is no immediate link to this page from the last one, nor back again, and if you use your back button, you will probably add a page twice.)
+# The next time you go to /nexus/index.php unfortunately it seems to hit a __bug:__.
 ^__error message:__
 Smarty error: unable to read resource: "/home/yoursite/public_html/bitweaver/temp/nexus/modules/top_bar_inc.tpl" in /home/yoursite/public_html/bitweaver/util/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1095^
 ^A fix is in CVS update the file to [http://bitweaver.cvs.sourceforge.net/bitweaver/_bit_nexus/menus.php?revision=] or later^
-7. . . . and i'm not sure where you go from there. The menu that appeared before still exists in the database, but is gone from the screen, and there is no way to get it back. ttfn
+. . . and i'm not sure where you go from there. The menu that appeared before still exists in the database, but is gone from the screen, and there is no way to get it back. ttfn
+!!! bitweaver version 2
+# First of all, you can create your menu as you need it. Currently there are only few menu types that lend themselves to work as a horizontal menu in the top bar:
+## suckerfish horizontal menus.
+## formelements menu - think this is a bit buggy.
+# Now that you have a menu, you need to go to the __Adminstration --> Themes --> Manage Layouts__.
+## First make sure you have the top module area enabled in the __Column Control__ tab.
+# You can then assign the nexus menu to the top bar.
+# The menu is now in your layout but probably lacks some basic CSS to get it the way you want.
-!!Menu Plugins
-nexus supports plugins for various different menus. this means that if you would like to use a different style of menu, you can add the approppriate plugin.
+{code title="Some sample CSS for the horizontal menu"}
+/* use the correct #id of your module - this is 'header + the position number': e.g.: #header1 */
+/* this will hide the module title */
+#header1 h3 {display:none;}
+Generally the dropdown should be working if the regular bitweaver dropdown menu works since it uses the same classes.
+!! Nexus Features
+# Nexus supports plugins for various different menus. This means that if you would like to use a different style of menu, you can add the approppriate plugin.
+# Nexus provides you with an easy to use interface to structurise your menus. They can be any number of levels deep, giving you unlimited freedom when it comes to menu creation and content accessibility.
+# Menu look is determined exclusively through CSS. this means that changing the look of the menu only requires some knowlegde of CSS.
+# Converting wiki books to menus.
-!!Flexible interface
-nexus provides you with an easy to use interface to structurise your menus. they can be any number of levels deep, giving you unlimited freedom when it comes to menu creation and content accessibility.
+! Package TODOs and feedback.
+# Would be nice to allow the usage of icons.
+# Might be good to read the structure straight from the db to ensure that the menu is updated automatically.
+# Enable the display of a given package only while a user is browsing a particular package. this would allow for large menus that only show relevant pacakge specific links when required.
+# Allow users to create their own menus. This will require some work and is currently not very high on my priority list.
+# More plugins including support for [http://www.dhtmlcentral.com/coolmenus/examples/withoutframes/|coolmenu] menus.
+# Add more control for plugins. It should be possible to allow users to specify more criteria for a given plugin.
-!!Menu design
-Menu look is determined exclusively through CSS. this means that changing the look of the menu only requires some knowlegde of CSS.
-!Package ToDo's and feedback.
-(this section is likely out of date)
-!!Insert code into various packages
-currenlty only the wiki has the required code to insert items into a menu while editing the page.
-would be nice to allow the usage of icons.
-would be good to allow the conversion of a structure to a nexus compatible menu (import is working appart from position assignment of items). might be good to read the structure straight from the db to ensure that the menu is updated automatically.
-Note: this is now possible, but the structure menu isn't automatically updated yet. this might not be possible for ReleaseOne due to the way that structures work.
-!!Use NexusPackage as default menu system
-nexus caches __everything__ and therefore doesn't require a singe db access after generation. This would allow us to create menus that can be altered by users instead of using the template based menus used at the moment.
-!!Add a package specific parameter
-enable the display of a given package only while a user is browsing a particular package. this would allow for large menus that only show relevant pacakge specific links when required.
-!!Allow users to create their own menus
-this will require some work and is currently not very high on my priority list.
-would be good to have a plugin that supports [http://www.dhtmlcentral.com/coolmenus/examples/withoutframes/|coolmenu] menus
-!!Greater plugin customisability
-it should be possible to allow users to specify more criteria for a given plugin.
-!!Better positioning
-we need to implement the positioning of nexus based menus in the top bar as well as in the side columns.
Page History
30 Jun 2008 (09:29 UTC)
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