this page is based on some of the ideas put forward in ThemeStructureIdea some time ago and trying to apply the ideas in userPageLaetzer.

basic folder setup

the style folder could contain the following

a structure like this would enable us to have themes such as (from laetzers page)
* portal (3 columns)
* classic (2 columns)
* blog (1 main-column, vertical, compliant, accessible, post/comment-centric)
* wiki (center+menu, edit-centric, loose hierarchy)
* directory (center+menu, lot's of links, teaser/header-centric, deep hierarchy)
* minimal/text (3 or 4 "horizontal columns", basic)
* ad (horizontal, flashy, small, pictures, drop down menus, flat hierarchy,)

within a theme you can have as many styles as you like, making it possible to categorise your styles and allowing the user to figure out what they want.

should layout.css be "part of the theme"?
by this i mean, should layout.css be placed in the <theme> folder for every style to be included? is that just going to produce a ton of differently coloured clones?

please add any thoughts and ideas. this is just a draft...
Page History
29 Apr 2006 (09:09 UTC)
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