History of ReleaseOneThanks

Differences from version 1 to 2

@@ -1,38 +1,27 @@

+{maketoc title="Major Contributors"}
+well, what is there to say about the bug-hunting maniac who has done virtually all the work down in the guts of bitweaver. due to his work, bitweaver has become a fully customisable, uncompromisingly modular and exceptionally stable piece of software. the code has virtually fully been rewritten and as far as i can tell, it's all been good changes, especially converting tikiwiki into a truly Object Oriented system. it has been quite a ride working alongside this insane insect.
 As someone who truly gave spider some competition for [/cvs|cvs karma], his total contributions are immeasurable and without him we would not be anywhere close to where we are today. And certainly the project would not look as good as it does. His leadership has converted our HTML into one of the best and most powerful XHTML and CSS compliant systems available. You cannot thank xing enough for all that he has given to the project.
-Wolffy's combination of coding skills and team leadership certainly have
-kept us on the ball and working as a team. He has been here since the get
-go, and his help will keep us going!
+Wolffy's combination of coding skills and team leadership certainly have kept us on the ball and working as a team. He has been here since the get go, and his help will keep us going!
-Drewslater has burned much midnight oil to bring us our wonderful Fisheye
-gallery system, a revamped articles package, and also runs one of the
-largest bitweaver installs we have.
+Drewslater has burned much midnight oil to bring us our wonderful Fisheye gallery system, a revamped articles package, and also runs one of the largest bitweaver installs we have.
-Plugins, plugins, plugins. StarRider has wrestled all of our Liberty data
-plugins to the ground, and given them their great inline help and more.
-His continued dedication to our plugins has really shown the power of our
+Plugins, plugins, plugins. StarRider has wrestled all of our Liberty data plugins to the ground, and given them their great inline help and more. His continued dedication to our plugins has really shown the power of our modularity.
 For anyone who has run into lester will agree, there is one word that comes to mind: Firebird. A developer for the ADODB firebird driver, and newly elected treasurer of the Firebird foundation, lester has hammered out our Firebird issues. His vision for a unified content system has lead to many architectural simplications and breakthroughs.
-Using his med-school training, he has graciously taken a few moments
-between exams (and those moments are very few) to keep our pphBB up to
-date and bugs updated.
-cemseker has relentlessly pounded on our hardest bugs, and
-pulled our gallery2 modules up today. Also, we now have a wonderful
-Turkish translation.
-With us from the beginning, Brian continues to keep an eye on us from the
-corner of his Inbox.
+Using his med-school training, he has graciously taken a few moments between exams (and those moments are very few) to keep our pphBB up to date and bugs updated.
+cemseker has relentlessly pounded on our hardest bugs, and pulled our gallery2 modules up today. Also, we now have a wonderful Turkish translation.
+With us from the beginning, Brian continues to keep an eye on us from the corner of his Inbox.
Page History
22 Jun 2005 (08:11 UTC)
add a note about the insect
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