History of ForumsResearch

Differences from version 12 to 16

@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@

 * __[http://www.k4bb.org/|K4BB]__ - has many of the standard forum features, AJAX, support for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.
 * __[http://area51.phpbb.com/|phpBB 3.0]?__ - It looks interesting, and a huge improvement over 2.0. Will try to checkout CVS soon and play around with it. -- {userlink login='jasp'}
 * __[http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=ForumDoc|TikiWiki Forums]__ - Port the TikiWiki forums, where much work was done on 1.9, to be Liberty based. {userlink login='lsces'} is a big fan of this approach, but unsure of available cycles.
+* __[http://newsboard.unclassified.de/|UNB]__ - Only support MySQL as far as I can tell.
 * __Build our own__ - {userlink login='drewslater'} did some awesome work on LibertyComments that are inherently a light-weight forum system with nested threads. libertyforums/ would make a fine package but would take a lot of work
+* __Tight Integration__ - Tightly integrat any / all of the above options. Lose integration is functional but makes for a messy DB and will always make the BB system feel just not quite right.
+*__[http://beast.caboo.se/|Beast]__ - Lightweight Forum
 There is a listing of forum software at [http://foruminsider.com/index.php?act=directory&show=all|The Forum Insider].
Page History
18 May 2008 (12:40 UTC)
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Dj Gilcrease24.18.76.13013
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Jared Woodbridge203.214.45.14311
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Chaim Krause24.166.179.7310
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Chaim Krause24.166.179.739
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Helge Karl80.203.108.2497
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Helge Karl80.203.108.2496
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Chaim Krause69.23.127.715
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Chaim Krause69.23.127.712
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Chaim Krause69.23.127.711
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